Universidad de Sevilla
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática
Sprint 2
Time Effort report
Grado en Ingeniería Informática – Ingeniería del Software
Ingeniería del Software y Práctica Profesional
Curso 2023 – 2024
Fecha | Versión |
01/04/2024 | 1.4 |
Grupo de prácticas: 8
Alberto Benitez Morales
Álvaro Carrera Bernal
Álvaro Navarro Rivera
Álvaro Jose Sanchez Flores
Artemio Rodriguez Asensio
Eduardo de Bustamante Lucena
Fernando Barroso Barroso
Francisco Jose Vargas Castro
Gonzalo Santigo Martín
Guillermo Alonso Pacheco Rodrigues
Jaime Caballero Hernandez
Javier Nunes Ruiz
Javier Rodríguez Cordero
Juan Martínez Cano
Marco Antonio Roca Rodríguez
Mario Sanchez Naranjo
Pablo Martínez Valladares
Control de Versiones
Fecha | Versión | Descripción |
04/03/2024 | 1.0 | Primera versión del documento |
10/03/2024 | 1.1 | Actualización valores gráficas y mayor análisis |
12/03/2024 | 1.2 | Actualización completa semana 6 |
27/03/2024 | 1.3 | Actualización completa semana 7 |
01/04/2024 | 1.4 | Actualización completa semana 8 + SS |
Índice de contenido
Gráfico h/semana | 4 |
Gráfico líneas h/semana | 6 |
Gráfico h/tipos tareas | 7 |
En este documento se recogen los distintos tipos de gráficas acordes al tiempo para poder proporcionar la información más completa posible y poder realizar un análisis de la evolución del proyecto.
Gráfico h/semana
En este gráfico se puede observar las horas y sus porcentajes por semana con respecto al total. Las horas totales objetivo con valor 2550 horas viene del cálculo de 17 miembros x 150 horas, siendo 150 horas lo esperado que se trabaje por persona durante las 15 semanas que dura el proyecto.
A continuación, se procede a realizar un análisis sobre las horas trabajadas por cada subgrupo por semana. Cada subgrupo consta de 4 miembros, excepto el primero que consta de 5.
Semana 1
- Subgrupo 1: 33 horas
- Subgrupo 2: 35 horas
- Subgrupo 3: 42 horas
- Subgrupo 4: 39 horas
Semana 2
- Subgrupo 1: 34 horas
- Subgrupo 2: 33 horas
- Subgrupo 3: 44 horas
- Subgrupo 4: 25 horas
- Subgrupo 3: 44 horas
Semana 3
- Subgrupo 1: 48 horas
- Subgrupo 2: 41 horas
- Subgrupo 3: 47 horas
- Subgrupo 4: 49 horas
Semana 4
- Subgrupo 1: 41 horas
- Subgrupo 2: 34 horas
- Subgrupo 3: 37 horas
- Subgrupo 4: 30 horas
Semana 5
- Subgrupo 1: 70 horas
- Subgrupo 2: 50 horas
- Subgrupo 3: 66 horas
- Subgrupo 4: 63 horas
Semana 6
- Subgrupo 1: 60 horas
- Subgrupo 2: 37 horas
- Subgrupo 3: 24 horas
- Subgrupo 4: 22 horas
Semana 7
- Subgrupo 1: 30 horas
- Subgrupo 2: 21 horas
- Subgrupo 3: 23 horas
- Subgrupo 4: 23 horas
Semana 8 + SS
- Subgrupo 1: 60 horas
- Subgrupo 2: 46 horas
- Subgrupo 3: 74 horas
- Subgrupo 4: 41 horas
Gráfico líneas h/semana
En este gráfico se percibe la evolución lineal por semana de las horas del equipo para así poder ver las distintas tendencias a lo largo del proyecto.
El valor ideal con valor 170 horas se obtiene del cálculo 17 miembros x 10 horas, siendo 10 horas lo esperado que se trabaje por persona cada semana.
Gráfico h/tipos tareas
En este gráfico se puede observar las horas y sus porcentajes por cada tipo de tarea durante el desarrollo hasta el momento del proyecto.
A medida que avanza el proyecto las tareas de tipo “Documentation” van a disminuir su incremento semanal de horas en favor del incremento de las de tipo “Coding”.
Summary report
05/03/2024 - 02/04/2024
Total: 497:51:41 Billable: 497:51:41 Amount: 0,00 USD
ISPP - GRUPO 8 | 497:51:41 | 100,00% |
Fill out the forms for group 2 feedback | 00:29:21 | 0,10% |
W7 - guión presentación | 00:36:13 | 0,12% |
Adaptación del código a la nueva estructura del proyecto | 00:25:00 | 0,08% |
Realizar la presentación canva | 01:08:00 | 0,23% |
#74 fix: Update event-menu relationship and simplify models | 01:18:00 | 0,26% |
Task estimation | 00:31:55 | 0,11% |
GitHub actions configuration | 00:49:21 | 0,17% |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 1
Acabados estilos similares a los mockups | 00:44:00 | 0,15% |
code development | 01:57:43 | 0,39% |
Revisión de tarea W7-R025: Caterings by location | 00:20:53 | 0,07% |
w7 - Revisión: fix update event-menu relationship and simplify models | 00:11:49 | 0,04% |
W7 - #84 R-030 Aplicar Candidatura | 02:44:16 | 0,55% |
Cancel subscription plan | 01:20:44 | 0,27% |
Revisión de la pull request | 00:51:41 | 0,17% |
Actualización del documento, nueva fecha para la prueba de la | 00:04:08 | 0,01% |
aplicación | ||
Actualizacion del Despliegue y BBDD | 01:40:20 | 0,34% |
Reparto de las tareas sprint 2 week 2 | 01:08:00 | 0,23% |
W7 - Revisar release | 00:06:56 | 0,02% |
Resolve pull request petitions | 00:12:49 | 0,04% |
Recommendation Letter form | 00:55:37 | 0,19% |
#134 feat: Catering advertising | 00:19:21 | 0,06% |
Retrospectiva y Review Sprint 2 | 01:21:38 | 0,27% |
Gestión reservas catering | 03:19:59 | 0,67% |
sprint planning subgroup 3 | 01:12:56 | 0,24% |
Canva Presentation | 01:02:58 | 0,21% |
añadiendo IA grupo 3 | 00:26:06 | 0,09% |
Frontend R-057: Gestion de platos | 02:09:14 | 0,43% |
W6 - Clase | 04:00:00 | 0,80% |
FC terms review | 00:32:45 | 0,11% |
Deployed software review | 01:05:33 | 0,22% |
Pildora teorica Customer Agreement | 00:11:06 | 0,04% |
Probada aplicación de alumnos del grupo 2 | 00:30:34 | 0,10% |
#67 Feature/filtros de empleados | 00:20:56 | 0,07% |
Ver píldora teórica: Replanning... | 00:41:36 | 0,14% |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 2
Project Status Excel and Graphic | 02:15:14 | 0,45% |
Actualizacion del Despliegue y arreglo media | 00:49:38 | 0,17% |
Añadiendo Contratos firmados al docsaurus | 00:30:34 | 0,10% |
Añadidos los listados y la creación de catering services | 01:56:06 | 0,39% |
Expected aspects review | 02:38:00 | 0,53% |
Ensayo presentación | 03:23:12 | 0,68% |
Presentations and test | 04:00:00 | 0,80% |
Parte del subgrupo 4 | 01:37:52 | 0,33% |
W9- revisión guion | 00:04:35 | 0,02% |
Realización de la parte de la presentación del subgrupo 4 | 02:16:09 | 0,46% |
Análisis del requisito y planteamiento del código | 01:16:09 | 0,25% |
Planification meeting | 01:01:30 | 0,21% |
Conflics resolution | 01:46:00 | 0,35% |
W8 - Arreglar fallos de integración de funcionalidades para empleados | 00:54:46 | 0,18% |
Realizado un filtrado de caterings por tipo de cocina, precio y | 03:05:06 | 0,62% |
asistentes | ||
Review funcionality | 00:48:37 | 0,16% |
Asistir a clase | 04:00:00 | 0,80% |
Redactando InformationProvidedByPilotUsers | 01:23:42 | 0,28% |
REVISIÓN #126 Feature/notificaciones #118 | 00:42:00 | 0,14% |
Presentación | 00:42:19 | 0,14% |
Booking calendar for companies | 02:08:00 | 0,43% |
Asistencia a clase | 08:35:00 | 1,72% |
Catering hiring | 03:46:15 | 0,76% |
Creating the model | 01:18:48 | 0,26% |
Resolve conflicts | 02:20:01 | 0,47% |
Integración con develop y traducción al inglés | 01:21:44 | 0,27% |
Envio de correos y actualización guia para usuarios piloto | 00:21:34 | 0,07% |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 3
Class | 03:50:00 | 0,77% |
Review W6:R012- Busqueda de catering | 00:21:26 | 0,07% |
Theory pill on customer agreement | 00:14:57 | 0,05% |
Edicion video Demo (recorte) | 00:35:05 | 0,12% |
Backlog and week planning | 01:09:52 | 0,23% |
Code and testing | 01:19:51 | 0,27% |
Vista para corregir customer agreement | 00:15:14 | 0,05% |
W9 - retrospectiva + review sprint 2 | 01:22:19 | 0,28% |
Testing Recommendation letter | 00:49:42 | 0,17% |
Applicants Mockups | 01:04:27 | 0,22% |
Pildora teorica Testing | 00:37:56 | 0,13% |
Creación del gráfico de dispersión | 00:30:19 | 0,10% |
Frontend R-033 | 01:46:38 | 0,36% |
Pildora teórica: Customer Agreement | 00:17:00 | 0,06% |
backlog finalization | 01:00:02 | 0,20% |
W9 - arreglos despliegue | 00:04:06 | 0,01% |
Clase Sprint 2 | 04:00:00 | 0,80% |
W7 - #46 R-032:Filtros de empleados | 04:08:23 | 0,83% |
Evaluate S1 Explain Goals S2 | 03:56:01 | 0,79% |
Tests unitarios para booking management | 01:28:32 | 0,30% |
W7 - Revisión: Company update #82 | 00:16:48 | 0,06% |
REVISIÓN #143 Feature/improve home page | 00:47:12 | 0,16% |
Functionality | 15:25:19 | 3,10% |
Rating and Review | 01:20:04 | 0,27% |
Review | 00:58:57 | 0,20% |
Access restriction for catering calendar | 00:54:35 | 0,18% |
Review Pull Request | 00:24:14 | 0,08% |
watch_theory_pill_CustomerAgreement | 00:11:00 | 0,04% |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 4
W6 - ensayo presentación | 00:29:47 | 0,10% |
restrict access to offers | 01:05:00 | 0,22% |
story board | 00:36:54 | 0,12% |
Clase Week8 | 01:50:00 | 0,37% |
Redacción del contrato para los usuarios piloto | 00:13:19 | 0,04% |
Finalización del documento | 01:38:21 | 0,33% |
Corregir tests | 00:28:22 | 0,09% |
Resolviendo conflictos | 03:03:00 | 0,61% |
#144 feat: Add start/end dates and prevent date overlaps in | 01:35:02 | 0,32% |
EmployeeWorkService | ||
Tests case | 01:14:37 | 0,25% |
Retrospective | 01:19:53 | 0,27% |
W7 - Investigar como hacer templates para github | 00:16:30 | 0,06% |
Funcionalidad reportar error | 01:56:24 | 0,39% |
#60 fix: Improved management of menus, plates, and cuisine types | 01:42:10 | 0,34% |
Añade funcionalidad menor | 00:28:00 | 0,09% |
Faltan estilos, funcionalidad hecha | 01:14:30 | 0,25% |
W6:R-054: Proceso de Verificación de Empresas de Catering | 02:43:58 | 0,55% |
Sprint planning subgroup 3 | 01:11:00 | 0,24% |
Trabajo en el estilo del listado, acabado a falta de poder mostrar logos | 01:30:15 | 0,30% |
Presentación retrospectiva | 00:13:18 | 0,04% |
Adding github actions to project | 00:49:17 | 0,16% |
Theory pill on StoryBoards,replanning and expenses/revenues | 00:35:53 | 0,12% |
estimation | ||
analysis of requirements | 00:15:46 | 0,05% |
W9 - presentación | 00:45:24 | 0,15% |
Booking management for Companies | 01:23:34 | 0,28% |
W8-F014: Changelog | 03:36:44 | 0,73% |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 5
A falta de estilos y de mejorar cuando avance mas el proyecto | 01:14:20 | 0,25% |
Class attendance | 08:00:00 | 1,61% |
Review W6-R012: Busqueda de caterings | 00:08:39 | 0,03% |
Añadidos los tests y otras correcciones | 00:33:01 | 0,11% |
W8 - Revisión Politicas de privacidad, manejo de reservas (R-035) | 00:20:29 | 0,07% |
Correccion Project Status and Presentation | 00:32:19 | 0,11% |
W8 - guión presentación | 00:40:38 | 0,14% |
Clase 19/03 | 04:00:00 | 0,80% |
W6:R-054:Proceso de Verificación de Empresas de Catering | 03:59:47 | 0,80% |
W8 - Preparación presentación | 00:30:00 | 0,10% |
Review task | 00:29:36 | 0,10% |
Improved documentation of github | 01:07:32 | 0,23% |
Desarrollo recommendation letter | 01:11:06 | 0,24% |
watch_theory_pill_Replanning, Story Boards, and | 02:28:06 | 0,50% |
Expenses_Revenues Estimation | ||
Revisando que no se cumplan las FC | 00:13:09 | 0,04% |
Cambios en metricas, agendamiento y usuarios piloto | 01:03:35 | 0,21% |
watch_theory_pill_Replanning, StoryBoards, and Expenses_Revenues | 01:24:28 | 0,28% |
Estimation | ||
CSS + Pagination | 00:48:29 | 0,16% |
Redacción guía para usuarios piloto y envio de correos | 01:40:45 | 0,34% |
W8 - #87 R-057 Seguimiento de Aplicaciones de Trabajo para | 01:06:58 | 0,22% |
Empleados | ||
Search in semRush | 00:35:23 | 0,12% |
Configuration github action | 00:48:14 | 0,16% |
#157 Feature/setup sonarcloud#148 | 02:12:07 | 0,44% |
Subgroup 3 week 7meeting | 00:41:00 | 0,14% |
Tests | 02:19:09 | 0,47% |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 6
| Fixing test errors in develop | | 00:52:55 | 0,18% | | --- | | --- | --- | --- | | | | | | | List services employees | | 00:58:50 | 0,20% | | | | | | | Clase de retrospectiva | | 00:37:00 | 0,12% | | | | | | | Subgroup 1 IA | | 00:05:07 | 0,02% | | | | | | | Curriculum tests | | 00:26:00 | 0,09% | | | | | | | W8 | - Reparto de tareas | 00:09:27 | 0,03% | | | | | | | W7 | - Clase Retrospectiva | 00:35:00 | 0,12% | | | | | | | Sprint Planning - Task distribution | | 01:11:00 | 0,24% | | | | | | | W8 | - Listado de funcionalidades | 00:15:13 | 0,05% | | | | | | | Show 4 catering and 4 offers in home | | 02:12:41 | 0,44% | | | | | | | Código refactorizado y actualizado a los nuevos modelos | | 01:02:12 | 0,21% | | | | | | | Frontend R-036 | | 01:58:38 | 0,40% | | | | | | | Booking dashboard for companies | | 02:08:49 | 0,43% | | | | | | | Listado y creación de services | | 01:56:14 | 0,39% | | | | | | | W8 | - #118 R-011 Notificaciones | 02:38:49 | 0,53% | | | | | | | Revisión y aceptación de la pull request | | 00:08:43 | 0,03% | | | | | | | Revisión y aprobación de la pull request | | 00:03:56 | 0,01% | | | | | | | StoryBoard | | 00:49:43 | 0,17% | | | | | | | Frontend R-035 | | 06:12:40 | 1,25% | | | | | | | #139 R-061: Cambio de plan | | 03:27:18 | 0,69% | | | | | | | W7 | - IA reports | 00:03:54 | 0,01% | | | | | | | Guión de la presentación | | 01:34:00 | 0,31% | | | | | | | Review fix calendar frontend | | 00:20:00 | 0,07% | | | | | | | Recortar video demo | | 00:43:07 | 0,14% | | | | | | | W7 | - Creación de tareas en github | 00:06:17 | 0,02% | | | | | | | #121 feat: Add Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions | | 01:13:04 | 0,24% | | | | | | | Pasar documentación 2º entregabe docsaurus | | 02:41:22 | 0,54% | | | | | | | Story Board | | 01:22:58 | 0,28% | | | | | |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 7
Aprendizaje Django, entendimiento código proyecto | 02:40:00 | 0,54% |
W7 - Presentación | 00:13:16 | 0,04% |
Theory class + test | 04:00:00 | 0,80% |
Theory class | 02:00:00 | 0,40% |
Añadida la opción de filtrar los caterings por localización y sus | 00:59:01 | 0,20% |
correspondientes tests | ||
watch_theory_pill_Testing | 02:38:30 | 0,53% |
Patch Fixes | 00:17:21 | 0,06% |
Creado formulario en forms.py y función en views.py | 00:18:17 | 0,06% |
(Without Description) | 99:11:21 | 19,92% |
My recommendation letter view | 01:30:46 | 0,30% |
Retrospectiva, Sprint Review S2, Ensayo final de presentación | 01:26:04 | 0,29% |
#83 R-051 Restricciones de acceso (Backend) | 00:35:56 | 0,12% |
Creado listado de caterings, a falta de aplicar más estilo | 01:09:15 | 0,23% |
Backlog Completion | 01:05:00 | 0,22% |
#109 R-058: Política de Cancelación de Suscripciones | 01:49:37 | 0,37% |
Vista píldora teórica de la semana 6 y creada gráfica correspondiente | 01:30:10 | 0,30% |
W9 - Demo | 01:07:13 | 0,23% |
Reunión review y retrospective | 01:19:00 | 0,26% |
Creados puntos 1 a 8 de la presentación segun el guión | 01:15:00 | 0,25% |
Fix test | 01:52:12 | 0,38% |
Ver píldora teórica: Testing | 00:38:26 | 0,13% |
Presentation Canvas | 00:35:55 | 0,12% |
W8 - Guión presentación | 00:25:19 | 0,08% |
Conflictos resueltos tarea R-055 | 00:49:40 | 0,17% |
Testing | 06:42:27 | 1,35% |
W7-RCO: Sprint 2 Plannig Week 2 | 01:03:07 | 0,21% |
Canvas | 00:28:50 | 0,10% |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 8
| Validaciones añadidas en los filtros | | 00:26:39 | 0,09% | | --- | | --- | --- | --- | | | | | | | Vista pildora teorica de testing | | 00:40:00 | 0,13% | | | | | | | Report IA | | 00:15:49 | 0,05% | | | | | | | W8 | - PerformanceEvaluation fravarcas1 | 00:20:05 | 0,07% | | | | | | | W9 | - Metricas fravarcas | 00:02:30 | 0,01% | | | | | | | Sprint Review meeting | | 01:21:32 | 0,27% | | | | | | | W7 | - Revisión:fix: Improved management of menus | 00:11:49 | 0,04% | | | | | | | Review 1/2 S2: Asistir a clase y realizar la presentación | | 02:10:05 | 0,44% | | | | | | | Arreglar frontend del calendario | | 01:42:48 | 0,34% | | | | | | | Puntos 4, 5, 6, 7, 14 | | 01:18:21 | 0,26% | | | | | | | W9 | - preparación presentación fravarcas | 01:01:57 | 0,21% | | | | | | | W8 | - Metricas fravarcas | 00:04:39 | 0,02% | | | | | | | watch_theory_pill_Replanning_StoryBoards_RevenuesExpensesEstim | | 00:35:39 | 0,12% | | ations | | | | | | | | | | Send Error Report | | 01:45:48 | 0,35% | | | | | | | Mejora del customer agreement en función de lo observado en la | | 00:59:50 | 0,20% | | píldora teórica | | | | | | | | | | Sprint planning grupo 3 | | 00:24:00 | 0,08% | | | | | | | W8 | - Report IA fravarcas1 | 00:13:06 | 0,04% | | | | | | | CSS | | 01:40:35 | 0,34% | | | | | | | #89 Feature/menu managment | | 03:59:10 | 0,80% | | | | | | | Sprint planning en subgrupo 3 | | 01:05:00 | 0,22% | | | | | | | W7-F001: Story Board | | 01:37:30 | 0,33% | | | | | | | Eliminacón de conflictos en la PR | | 00:26:00 | 0,09% | | | | | | | Creación de presentación de semana 8 | | 01:15:14 | 0,25% | | | | | | | Creación excel para calculo automático de la nota | | 00:07:16 | 0,02% | | | | | | | Presentation | | 00:43:12 | 0,14% | | | | | | | #135 feat: Implement Plate Management | | 05:12:55 | 1,05% | | | | | |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 9
Revisión de tarea R-036 | 00:10:55 | 0,04% |
Functionality and testing | 02:10:55 | 0,44% |
W8 - revisión modificaciones base de datos | 00:10:09 | 0,03% |
Editar y borrar catering services | 01:50:46 | 0,37% |
Añadida Pasarela de Pago | 02:41:16 | 0,54% |
Metricas para la semana 8 | 00:55:35 | 0,19% |
Search for a offer at home | 00:44:55 | 0,15% |
reunion con Marco del subgrupo 2 | 00:34:04 | 0,11% |
Recommendation Letter Test | 02:12:48 | 0,44% |
Gestión reservas particular | 02:20:23 | 0,47% |
Despliegue Sprint 2 | 01:55:36 | 0,39% |
Tarea finalizada | 00:36:20 | 0,12% |
Story board | 01:25:07 | 0,28% |
Resolucion de conflictos para hacer el merge | 01:00:50 | 0,20% |
Pasar documentación 3º entregabe docsaurus | 00:44:33 | 0,15% |
watch_theory_pill_testing | 01:14:17 | 0,25% |
W7-R018: Password recovery | 03:28:31 | 0,70% |
Vista píldora teórica para creación de gráfica de costes vs ingresos | 00:45:00 | 0,15% |
Calendario para las reuniones | 00:48:43 | 0,16% |
W8 - Demo | 00:21:49 | 0,07% |
Sprint planning subgrupo 3 | 01:00:00 | 0,20% |
Fix menu selection | 01:10:00 | 0,23% |
Arreglado problema con cateringService y la pantalla de confiación de | 01:37:33 | 0,33% |
delte_offer, así como cambiado a al módulo catering_owners | ||
Revisión de la presentación y modificación | 01:24:11 | 0,28% |
Test of two operations | 00:25:25 | 0,09% |
watch_theory_pill_Pill on Conflict Management, Effective Demos and | 00:45:20 | 0,15% |
Feedback Management | ||
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 10
Clase fin Sprint1 + test | 04:00:00 | 0,80% |
Story Board of client | 01:22:38 | 0,28% |
W8 - #141 HOTFIX: arreglar url hacking apartado de gestión de | 00:41:27 | 0,14% |
ofertas | ||
Update Performance Metrics formula | 00:12:51 | 0,04% |
#79 Feature/publish employment offers | 00:12:34 | 0,04% |
Documentation update | 00:18:39 | 0,06% |
W8 - Clases | 03:00:00 | 0,60% |
Feedback recogido por el grupo 8 apuntado en el docusaurus general | 00:30:28 | 0,10% |
#48 R-033: Perfil de Empresa | 05:36:19 | 1,13% |
W8 - Uso de la IA | 00:08:36 | 0,03% |
Pildora teorica Replanning, Story Boards | 00:36:02 | 0,12% |
Search for a catering at home | 01:30:23 | 0,30% |
Elaboracion presentacion | 00:34:53 | 0,12% |
My note | 00:35:00 | 0,12% |
Distribución de tareas | 03:19:00 | 0,67% |
Intentar solucionar visualizado de curriculums en app desplegada | 00:24:00 | 0,08% |
Theory pill on testing | 00:37:27 | 0,13% |
Revisando los aspectos previstos | 00:08:49 | 0,03% |
Retrospectiva y Review | 01:25:00 | 0,28% |
Despliegue GitHub Actions | 00:48:26 | 0,16% |
W8 - revisión: cambio en planes de precio | 00:10:00 | 0,03% |
watch_theory_pill_customer_agreement | 02:04:09 | 0,42% |
Sprint planning semana 6 | 01:53:05 | 0,38% |
Edición y eliminación de catering services | 01:50:00 | 0,37% |
Revisión | 00:26:14 | 0,09% |
W8-F004: Review the risks in the presentation | 00:55:15 | 0,18% |
Distribution of tasks | 01:10:00 | 0,23% |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 11
Booking Calendar functionalities | 03:00:57 | 0,61% |
Validaciones de las nuevas métricas propuestas | 00:15:31 | 0,05% |
Ver theory pill | 01:24:27 | 0,28% |
Actualización fecha usuarios piloto | 00:06:47 | 0,02% |
Realizar guión de la presentación 1º parte + revisión de la 2º | 03:30:08 | 0,70% |
W8 - #111 R-039: Notificaciones y Recordatorios | 04:22:14 | 0,88% |
REVISIÓN #131 Feature/notificar empresas cuando se crea evento | 01:09:01 | 0,23% |
#130 | ||
Arreglo de css de edición y eliminación y añadido botón de creación | 02:29:00 | 0,50% |
solo para CateringCompany, modificado html del listado para que solo | ||
los usuarios puedan aplicar y añadido en la navbar "Offers" y | ||
modificado html de create offer y la función create_offer para poder | ||
seleccionar un catering service | ||
Arreglo de errores y merge | 00:15:56 | 0,05% |
Review and Retrospective meeting | 01:23:09 | 0,28% |
Project / Description | Duration | Amount |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 | 497:51:41 | 0,00 USD |
Fill out the forms for group 2 feedback | 00:29:21 | 0.00 USD |
W7 - guión presentación | 00:36:13 | 0.00 USD |
Adaptación del código a la nueva estructura del proyecto | 00:25:00 | 0.00 USD |
Realizar la presentación canva | 01:08:00 | 0.00 USD |
#74 fix: Update event-menu relationship and simplify models | 01:18:00 | 0.00 USD |
Task estimation | 00:31:55 | 0.00 USD |
GitHub actions configuration | 00:49:21 | 0.00 USD |
Acabados estilos similares a los mockups | 00:44:00 | 0.00 USD |
code development | 01:57:43 | 0.00 USD |
Revisión de tarea W7-R025: Caterings by location | 00:20:53 | 0.00 USD |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 12
w7 - Revisión: fix update event-menu relationship and simplify models | 00:11:49 | 0.00 USD |
W7 - #84 R-030 Aplicar Candidatura | 02:44:16 | 0.00 USD |
Cancel subscription plan | 01:20:44 | 0.00 USD |
Revisión de la pull request | 00:51:41 | 0.00 USD |
Actualización del documento, nueva fecha para la prueba de la aplicación | 00:04:08 | 0.00 USD |
Actualizacion del Despliegue y BBDD | 01:40:20 | 0.00 USD |
Reparto de las tareas sprint 2 week 2 | 01:08:00 | 0.00 USD |
W7 - Revisar release | 00:06:56 | 0.00 USD |
Resolve pull request petitions | 00:12:49 | 0.00 USD |
Recommendation Letter form | 00:55:37 | 0.00 USD |
#134 feat: Catering advertising | 00:19:21 | 0.00 USD |
Retrospectiva y Review Sprint 2 | 01:21:38 | 0.00 USD |
Gestión reservas catering | 03:19:59 | 0.00 USD |
sprint planning subgroup 3 | 01:12:56 | 0.00 USD |
Canva Presentation | 01:02:58 | 0.00 USD |
añadiendo IA grupo 3 | 00:26:06 | 0.00 USD |
Frontend R-057: Gestion de platos | 02:09:14 | 0.00 USD |
W6 - Clase | 04:00:00 | 0.00 USD |
FC terms review | 00:32:45 | 0.00 USD |
Deployed software review | 01:05:33 | 0.00 USD |
Pildora teorica Customer Agreement | 00:11:06 | 0.00 USD |
Probada aplicación de alumnos del grupo 2 | 00:30:34 | 0.00 USD |
#67 Feature/filtros de empleados | 00:20:56 | 0.00 USD |
Ver píldora teórica: Replanning... | 00:41:36 | 0.00 USD |
Project Status Excel and Graphic | 02:15:14 | 0.00 USD |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 13
Actualizacion del Despliegue y arreglo media | 00:49:38 | 0.00 USD |
Añadiendo Contratos firmados al docsaurus | 00:30:34 | 0.00 USD |
Añadidos los listados y la creación de catering services | 01:56:06 | 0.00 USD |
Expected aspects review | 02:38:00 | 0.00 USD |
Ensayo presentación | 03:23:12 | 0.00 USD |
Presentations and test | 04:00:00 | 0.00 USD |
Parte del subgrupo 4 | 01:37:52 | 0.00 USD |
W9- revisión guion | 00:04:35 | 0.00 USD |
Realización de la parte de la presentación del subgrupo 4 | 02:16:09 | 0.00 USD |
Análisis del requisito y planteamiento del código | 01:16:09 | 0.00 USD |
Planification meeting | 01:01:30 | 0.00 USD |
Conflics resolution | 01:46:00 | 0.00 USD |
W8 - Arreglar fallos de integración de funcionalidades para empleados | 00:54:46 | 0.00 USD |
Realizado un filtrado de caterings por tipo de cocina, precio y asistentes | 03:05:06 | 0.00 USD |
Review funcionality | 00:48:37 | 0.00 USD |
Asistir a clase | 04:00:00 | 0.00 USD |
Redactando InformationProvidedByPilotUsers | 01:23:42 | 0.00 USD |
REVISIÓN #126 Feature/notificaciones #118 | 00:42:00 | 0.00 USD |
Presentación | 00:42:19 | 0.00 USD |
Booking calendar for companies | 02:08:00 | 0.00 USD |
Asistencia a clase | 08:35:00 | 0.00 USD |
Catering hiring | 03:46:15 | 0.00 USD |
Creating the model | 01:18:48 | 0.00 USD |
Resolve conflicts | 02:20:01 | 0.00 USD |
Integración con develop y traducción al inglés | 01:21:44 | 0.00 USD |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 14
Envio de correos y actualización guia para usuarios piloto | 00:21:34 | 0.00 USD |
Class | 03:50:00 | 0.00 USD |
Review W6:R012- Busqueda de catering | 00:21:26 | 0.00 USD |
Theory pill on customer agreement | 00:14:57 | 0.00 USD |
Edicion video Demo (recorte) | 00:35:05 | 0.00 USD |
Backlog and week planning | 01:09:52 | 0.00 USD |
Code and testing | 01:19:51 | 0.00 USD |
Vista para corregir customer agreement | 00:15:14 | 0.00 USD |
W9 - retrospectiva + review sprint 2 | 01:22:19 | 0.00 USD |
Testing Recommendation letter | 00:49:42 | 0.00 USD |
Applicants Mockups | 01:04:27 | 0.00 USD |
Pildora teorica Testing | 00:37:56 | 0.00 USD |
Creación del gráfico de dispersión | 00:30:19 | 0.00 USD |
Frontend R-033 | 01:46:38 | 0.00 USD |
Pildora teórica: Customer Agreement | 00:17:00 | 0.00 USD |
backlog finalization | 01:00:02 | 0.00 USD |
W9 - arreglos despliegue | 00:04:06 | 0.00 USD |
Clase Sprint 2 | 04:00:00 | 0.00 USD |
W7 - #46 R-032:Filtros de empleados | 04:08:23 | 0.00 USD |
Evaluate S1 Explain Goals S2 | 03:56:01 | 0.00 USD |
Tests unitarios para booking management | 01:28:32 | 0.00 USD |
W7 - Revisión: Company update #82 | 00:16:48 | 0.00 USD |
REVISIÓN #143 Feature/improve home page | 00:47:12 | 0.00 USD |
Functionality | 15:25:19 | 0.00 USD |
Rating and Review | 01:20:04 | 0.00 USD |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 15
Review | 00:58:57 | 0.00 USD |
Access restriction for catering calendar | 00:54:35 | 0.00 USD |
Review Pull Request | 00:24:14 | 0.00 USD |
watch_theory_pill_CustomerAgreement | 00:11:00 | 0.00 USD |
W6 - ensayo presentación | 00:29:47 | 0.00 USD |
restrict access to offers | 01:05:00 | 0.00 USD |
story board | 00:36:54 | 0.00 USD |
Clase Week8 | 01:50:00 | 0.00 USD |
Redacción del contrato para los usuarios piloto | 00:13:19 | 0.00 USD |
Finalización del documento | 01:38:21 | 0.00 USD |
Corregir tests | 00:28:22 | 0.00 USD |
Resolviendo conflictos | 03:03:00 | 0.00 USD |
#144 feat: Add start/end dates and prevent date overlaps in EmployeeWorkService | 01:35:02 | 0.00 USD |
Tests case | 01:14:37 | 0.00 USD |
Retrospective | 01:19:53 | 0.00 USD |
W7 - Investigar como hacer templates para github | 00:16:30 | 0.00 USD |
Funcionalidad reportar error | 01:56:24 | 0.00 USD |
#60 fix: Improved management of menus, plates, and cuisine types | 01:42:10 | 0.00 USD |
Añade funcionalidad menor | 00:28:00 | 0.00 USD |
Faltan estilos, funcionalidad hecha | 01:14:30 | 0.00 USD |
W6:R-054: Proceso de Verificación de Empresas de Catering | 02:43:58 | 0.00 USD |
Sprint planning subgroup 3 | 01:11:00 | 0.00 USD |
Trabajo en el estilo del listado, acabado a falta de poder mostrar logos | 01:30:15 | 0.00 USD |
Presentación retrospectiva | 00:13:18 | 0.00 USD |
Adding github actions to project | 00:49:17 | 0.00 USD |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 16
Theory pill on StoryBoards,replanning and expenses/revenues estimation | 00:35:53 | 0.00 USD |
analysis of requirements | 00:15:46 | 0.00 USD |
W9 - presentación | 00:45:24 | 0.00 USD |
Booking management for Companies | 01:23:34 | 0.00 USD |
W8-F014: Changelog | 03:36:44 | 0.00 USD |
A falta de estilos y de mejorar cuando avance mas el proyecto | 01:14:20 | 0.00 USD |
Class attendance | 08:00:00 | 0.00 USD |
Review W6-R012: Busqueda de caterings | 00:08:39 | 0.00 USD |
Añadidos los tests y otras correcciones | 00:33:01 | 0.00 USD |
W8 - Revisión Politicas de privacidad, manejo de reservas (R-035) | 00:20:29 | 0.00 USD |
Correccion Project Status and Presentation | 00:32:19 | 0.00 USD |
W8 - guión presentación | 00:40:38 | 0.00 USD |
Clase 19/03 | 04:00:00 | 0.00 USD |
W6:R-054:Proceso de Verificación de Empresas de Catering | 03:59:47 | 0.00 USD |
W8 - Preparación presentación | 00:30:00 | 0.00 USD |
Review task | 00:29:36 | 0.00 USD |
Improved documentation of github | 01:07:32 | 0.00 USD |
Desarrollo recommendation letter | 01:11:06 | 0.00 USD |
watch_theory_pill_Replanning, Story Boards, and Expenses_Revenues Estimation | 02:28:06 | 0.00 USD |
Revisando que no se cumplan las FC | 00:13:09 | 0.00 USD |
Cambios en metricas, agendamiento y usuarios piloto | 01:03:35 | 0.00 USD |
watch_theory_pill_Replanning, StoryBoards, and Expenses_Revenues Estimation | 01:24:28 | 0.00 USD |
CSS + Pagination | 00:48:29 | 0.00 USD |
Redacción guía para usuarios piloto y envio de correos | 01:40:45 | 0.00 USD |
W8 - #87 R-057 Seguimiento de Aplicaciones de Trabajo para Empleados | 01:06:58 | 0.00 USD |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 17
Search in semRush | 00:35:23 | 0.00 USD |
Configuration github action | 00:48:14 | 0.00 USD |
#157 Feature/setup sonarcloud#148 | 02:12:07 | 0.00 USD |
Subgroup 3 week 7meeting | 00:41:00 | 0.00 USD |
Tests | 02:19:09 | 0.00 USD |
Fixing test errors in develop | 00:52:55 | 0.00 USD |
List services employees | 00:58:50 | 0.00 USD |
Clase de retrospectiva | 00:37:00 | 0.00 USD |
Subgroup 1 IA | 00:05:07 | 0.00 USD |
Curriculum tests | 00:26:00 | 0.00 USD |
W8 - Reparto de tareas | 00:09:27 | 0.00 USD |
W7 - Clase Retrospectiva | 00:35:00 | 0.00 USD |
Sprint Planning - Task distribution | 01:11:00 | 0.00 USD |
W8 - Listado de funcionalidades | 00:15:13 | 0.00 USD |
Show 4 catering and 4 offers in home | 02:12:41 | 0.00 USD |
Código refactorizado y actualizado a los nuevos modelos | 01:02:12 | 0.00 USD |
Frontend R-036 | 01:58:38 | 0.00 USD |
Booking dashboard for companies | 02:08:49 | 0.00 USD |
Listado y creación de services | 01:56:14 | 0.00 USD |
W8 - #118 R-011 Notificaciones | 02:38:49 | 0.00 USD |
Revisión y aceptación de la pull request | 00:08:43 | 0.00 USD |
Revisión y aprobación de la pull request | 00:03:56 | 0.00 USD |
StoryBoard | 00:49:43 | 0.00 USD |
Frontend R-035 | 06:12:40 | 0.00 USD |
#139 R-061: Cambio de plan | 03:27:18 | 0.00 USD |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 18
W7 - IA reports | 00:03:54 | 0.00 USD |
Guión de la presentación | 01:34:00 | 0.00 USD |
Review fix calendar frontend | 00:20:00 | 0.00 USD |
Recortar video demo | 00:43:07 | 0.00 USD |
W7 - Creación de tareas en github | 00:06:17 | 0.00 USD |
#121 feat: Add Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions | 01:13:04 | 0.00 USD |
Pasar documentación 2º entregabe docsaurus | 02:41:22 | 0.00 USD |
Story Board | 01:22:58 | 0.00 USD |
Aprendizaje Django, entendimiento código proyecto | 02:40:00 | 0.00 USD |
W7 - Presentación | 00:13:16 | 0.00 USD |
Theory class + test | 04:00:00 | 0.00 USD |
Theory class | 02:00:00 | 0.00 USD |
Añadida la opción de filtrar los caterings por localización y sus correspondientes tests | 00:59:01 | 0.00 USD |
watch_theory_pill_Testing | 02:38:30 | 0.00 USD |
Patch Fixes | 00:17:21 | 0.00 USD |
Creado formulario en forms.py y función en views.py | 00:18:17 | 0.00 USD |
(Without Description) | 99:11:21 | 0.00 USD |
My recommendation letter view | 01:30:46 | 0.00 USD |
Retrospectiva, Sprint Review S2, Ensayo final de presentación | 01:26:04 | 0.00 USD |
#83 R-051 Restricciones de acceso (Backend) | 00:35:56 | 0.00 USD |
Creado listado de caterings, a falta de aplicar más estilo | 01:09:15 | 0.00 USD |
Backlog Completion | 01:05:00 | 0.00 USD |
#109 R-058: Política de Cancelación de Suscripciones | 01:49:37 | 0.00 USD |
Vista píldora teórica de la semana 6 y creada gráfica correspondiente | 01:30:10 | 0.00 USD |
W9 - Demo | 01:07:13 | 0.00 USD |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 19
| Reunión review y retrospective | | 01:19:00 | 0.00 USD | | --- | | --- | --- | --- | | | | | | | Creados puntos 1 a 8 de la presentación segun el guión | | 01:15:00 | 0.00 USD | | | | | | | Fix test | | 01:52:12 | 0.00 USD | | | | | | | Ver píldora teórica: Testing | | 00:38:26 | 0.00 USD | | | | | | | Presentation Canvas | | 00:35:55 | 0.00 USD | | | | | | | W8 | - Guión presentación | 00:25:19 | 0.00 USD | | | | | | | Conflictos resueltos tarea R-055 | | 00:49:40 | 0.00 USD | | | | | | | Testing | | 06:42:27 | 0.00 USD | | | | | | | W7-RCO: Sprint 2 Plannig Week 2 | | 01:03:07 | 0.00 USD | | | | | | | Canvas | | 00:28:50 | 0.00 USD | | | | | | | Validaciones añadidas en los filtros | | 00:26:39 | 0.00 USD | | | | | | | Vista pildora teorica de testing | | 00:40:00 | 0.00 USD | | | | | | | Report IA | | 00:15:49 | 0.00 USD | | | | | | | W8 | - PerformanceEvaluation fravarcas1 | 00:20:05 | 0.00 USD | | | | | | | W9 | - Metricas fravarcas | 00:02:30 | 0.00 USD | | | | | | | Sprint Review meeting | | 01:21:32 | 0.00 USD | | | | | | | W7 | - Revisión:fix: Improved management of menus | 00:11:49 | 0.00 USD | | | | | | | Review 1/2 S2: Asistir a clase y realizar la presentación | | 02:10:05 | 0.00 USD | | | | | | | Arreglar frontend del calendario | | 01:42:48 | 0.00 USD | | | | | | | Puntos 4, 5, 6, 7, 14 | | 01:18:21 | 0.00 USD | | | | | | | W9 | - preparación presentación fravarcas | 01:01:57 | 0.00 USD | | | | | | | W8 | - Metricas fravarcas | 00:04:39 | 0.00 USD | | | | | | | watch_theory_pill_Replanning_StoryBoards_RevenuesExpensesEstimations | | 00:35:39 | 0.00 USD | | | | | | | Send Error Report | | 01:45:48 | 0.00 USD | | | | | | | Mejora del customer agreement en función de lo observado en la píldora teórica | | 00:59:50 | 0.00 USD |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 20
Sprint planning grupo 3 | 00:24:00 | 0.00 USD |
W8 - Report IA fravarcas1 | 00:13:06 | 0.00 USD |
CSS | 01:40:35 | 0.00 USD |
#89 Feature/menu managment | 03:59:10 | 0.00 USD |
Sprint planning en subgrupo 3 | 01:05:00 | 0.00 USD |
W7-F001: Story Board | 01:37:30 | 0.00 USD |
Eliminacón de conflictos en la PR | 00:26:00 | 0.00 USD |
Creación de presentación de semana 8 | 01:15:14 | 0.00 USD |
Creación excel para calculo automático de la nota | 00:07:16 | 0.00 USD |
Presentation | 00:43:12 | 0.00 USD |
#135 feat: Implement Plate Management | 05:12:55 | 0.00 USD |
Revisión de tarea R-036 | 00:10:55 | 0.00 USD |
Functionality and testing | 02:10:55 | 0.00 USD |
W8 - revisión modificaciones base de datos | 00:10:09 | 0.00 USD |
Editar y borrar catering services | 01:50:46 | 0.00 USD |
Añadida Pasarela de Pago | 02:41:16 | 0.00 USD |
Metricas para la semana 8 | 00:55:35 | 0.00 USD |
Search for a offer at home | 00:44:55 | 0.00 USD |
reunion con Marco del subgrupo 2 | 00:34:04 | 0.00 USD |
Recommendation Letter Test | 02:12:48 | 0.00 USD |
Gestión reservas particular | 02:20:23 | 0.00 USD |
Despliegue Sprint 2 | 01:55:36 | 0.00 USD |
Tarea finalizada | 00:36:20 | 0.00 USD |
Story board | 01:25:07 | 0.00 USD |
Resolucion de conflictos para hacer el merge | 01:00:50 | 0.00 USD |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 21
Pasar documentación 3º entregabe docsaurus | 00:44:33 | 0.00 USD |
watch_theory_pill_testing | 01:14:17 | 0.00 USD |
W7-R018: Password recovery | 03:28:31 | 0.00 USD |
Vista píldora teórica para creación de gráfica de costes vs ingresos | 00:45:00 | 0.00 USD |
Calendario para las reuniones | 00:48:43 | 0.00 USD |
W8 - Demo | 00:21:49 | 0.00 USD |
Sprint planning subgrupo 3 | 01:00:00 | 0.00 USD |
Fix menu selection | 01:10:00 | 0.00 USD |
Arreglado problema con cateringService y la pantalla de confiación de delte_offer, así | 01:37:33 | 0.00 USD |
como cambiado a al módulo catering_owners | ||
Revisión de la presentación y modificación | 01:24:11 | 0.00 USD |
Test of two operations | 00:25:25 | 0.00 USD |
watch_theory_pill_Pill on Conflict Management, Effective Demos and Feedback | 00:45:20 | 0.00 USD |
Management | ||
Clase fin Sprint1 + test | 04:00:00 | 0.00 USD |
Story Board of client | 01:22:38 | 0.00 USD |
W8 - #141 HOTFIX: arreglar url hacking apartado de gestión de ofertas | 00:41:27 | 0.00 USD |
Update Performance Metrics formula | 00:12:51 | 0.00 USD |
#79 Feature/publish employment offers | 00:12:34 | 0.00 USD |
Documentation update | 00:18:39 | 0.00 USD |
W8 - Clases | 03:00:00 | 0.00 USD |
Feedback recogido por el grupo 8 apuntado en el docusaurus general | 00:30:28 | 0.00 USD |
#48 R-033: Perfil de Empresa | 05:36:19 | 0.00 USD |
W8 - Uso de la IA | 00:08:36 | 0.00 USD |
Pildora teorica Replanning, Story Boards | 00:36:02 | 0.00 USD |
Search for a catering at home | 01:30:23 | 0.00 USD |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 22
Elaboracion presentacion | 00:34:53 | 0.00 USD |
My note | 00:35:00 | 0.00 USD |
Distribución de tareas | 03:19:00 | 0.00 USD |
Intentar solucionar visualizado de curriculums en app desplegada | 00:24:00 | 0.00 USD |
Theory pill on testing | 00:37:27 | 0.00 USD |
Revisando los aspectos previstos | 00:08:49 | 0.00 USD |
Retrospectiva y Review | 01:25:00 | 0.00 USD |
Despliegue GitHub Actions | 00:48:26 | 0.00 USD |
W8 - revisión: cambio en planes de precio | 00:10:00 | 0.00 USD |
watch_theory_pill_customer_agreement | 02:04:09 | 0.00 USD |
Sprint planning semana 6 | 01:53:05 | 0.00 USD |
Edición y eliminación de catering services | 01:50:00 | 0.00 USD |
Revisión | 00:26:14 | 0.00 USD |
W8-F004: Review the risks in the presentation | 00:55:15 | 0.00 USD |
Distribution of tasks | 01:10:00 | 0.00 USD |
Booking Calendar functionalities | 03:00:57 | 0.00 USD |
Validaciones de las nuevas métricas propuestas | 00:15:31 | 0.00 USD |
Ver theory pill | 01:24:27 | 0.00 USD |
Actualización fecha usuarios piloto | 00:06:47 | 0.00 USD |
Realizar guión de la presentación 1º parte + revisión de la 2º | 03:30:08 | 0.00 USD |
W8 - #111 R-039: Notificaciones y Recordatorios | 04:22:14 | 0.00 USD |
REVISIÓN #131 Feature/notificar empresas cuando se crea evento #130 | 01:09:01 | 0.00 USD |
Arreglo de css de edición y eliminación y añadido botón de creación solo para | 02:29:00 | 0.00 USD |
CateringCompany, modificado html del listado para que solo los usuarios puedan | ||
aplicar y añadido en la navbar "Offers" y modificado html de create offer y la función | ||
create_offer para poder seleccionar un catering service | ||
Arreglo de errores y merge | 00:15:56 | 0.00 USD |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 23
Review and Retrospective meeting | 01:23:09 | 0.00 USD |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 24
Detailed report
05/03/2024 - 02/04/2024
Total: 497:51:41 Billable: 497:51:41 Amount: 0,00 USD
Date | Description | Duration | User |
01/04/2024 | Revisando los aspectos previstos | 00:08:49 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Expected aspects review - | 22:13:37 - 22:22:26 | 0,00 USD | |
[Documentation] | |||
01/04/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:54:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F022: Time reports update + SS - | 22:12:00 - 23:06:00 | 0,00 USD | |
[Documentation] | |||
01/04/2024 | Revisando que no se cumplan las FC | 00:13:09 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - FC terms review - [Documentation] | 21:59:54 - 22:13:03 | 0,00 USD | |
01/04/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:16:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F006: Reviewer’s Guide - | 21:05:00 - 21:21:00 | 0,00 USD | |
[Documentation] | |||
01/04/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:10:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F002: Performance Metrics Update - | 20:13:00 - 20:23:00 | 0,00 USD | |
[Documentation] | |||
01/04/2024 | Reunión review y retrospective | 01:19:00 | Fernando Barroso Barroso |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W9 - retrospectiva + review sprint 2 - | 20:07:00 - 21:26:00 | 0,00 USD | |
[Meeting] | |||
01/04/2024 | Sprint Review meeting | 01:21:32 | Eduardo Bustamante Lucena |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W9 - retrospectiva + review sprint 2 - | 20:05:55 - 21:27:27 | 0,00 USD | |
[Meeting] | |||
01/04/2024 | Retrospectiva y Review Sprint 2 | 01:21:38 | Alvaro Carrera Bernal |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W9 - retrospectiva + review sprint 2 - | 20:05:10 - 21:26:48 | 0,00 USD | |
[Meeting] | |||
01/04/2024 | W9 - retrospectiva + review sprint 2 | 01:22:19 | Fravarcas1 |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W9 - retrospectiva + review sprint 2 - | 20:04:25 - 21:26:44 | 0,00 USD | |
[Meeting] | |||
01/04/2024 | Retrospective | 01:19:53 | Juan Martinez Cano |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W9 - retrospectiva + review sprint 2 - | 20:04:05 - 21:23:58 | 0,00 USD | |
[Meeting] | |||
01/04/2024 | Review and Retrospective meeting | 01:23:09 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W9 - retrospectiva + review sprint 2 - | 20:03:28 - 21:26:37 | 0,00 USD | |
[Meeting] | |||
01/04/2024 | (Without Description) | 01:26:00 | Gonzalo Santiago |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W9 - retrospectiva + review sprint 2 - | 20:00:00 - 21:26:00 | 0,00 USD | |
[Meeting] |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 1
01/04/2024 | Retrospectiva y Review | 01:25:00 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W9 - retrospectiva + review sprint 2 - | 20:00:00 - 21:25:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Meeting] | ||||
01/04/2024 | Retrospectiva, Sprint Review S2, Ensayo final de | 01:26:04 | Artemio Rodríguez Asensio | |
presentación | 20:00:00 - 21:26:04 | 0,00 USD | ||
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W9 - retrospectiva + review sprint 2 - | ||||
[Meeting] | ||||
01/04/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:35:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F006: Reviewer’s Guide - | 19:30:00 - 20:05:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Documentation] | ||||
01/04/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:59:00 | Alberto Benítez Morales | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W9 - retrospectiva + review sprint 2 - | 19:21:00 - 20:20:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Meeting] | ||||
01/04/2024 | Pasar documentación 3º entregabe docsaurus | 00:39:39 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F012: Delivery - [Documentation] | 19:19:31 - 19:59:10 | 0,00 USD | ||
01/04/2024 | watch_theory_pill_Testing | 00:38:56 | Juan Martinez Cano | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_Testing - [Learning] | 19:15:00 - 19:53:56 | 0,00 USD | ||
01/04/2024 | Pasar documentación 3º entregabe docsaurus | 00:04:54 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F012: Delivery - [Documentation] | 19:02:11 - 19:07:05 | 0,00 USD | ||
01/04/2024 | watch_theory_pill_Replanning, Story Boards, and | 00:40:23 | Juan Martinez Cano | |
Expenses_Revenues Estimation | 18:30:00 - 19:10:23 | 0,00 USD | ||
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Theory Pill - Replanning, Story Boards, | ||||
and Expenses_Revenues Estimation - [Learning] | ||||
01/04/2024 | watch_theory_pill_testing | 00:35:38 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_Testing - [Learning] | 18:29:41 - 19:05:19 | 0,00 USD | ||
01/04/2024 | watch_theory_pill_customer_agreement | 00:10:57 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_customer_agreement - | 17:58:25 - 18:09:22 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Learning] | ||||
01/04/2024 | watch_theory_pill_customer_agreement | 00:13:23 | Jaime Caballero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_customer_agreement - | 17:57:00 - 18:10:23 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Learning] | ||||
01/04/2024 | Presentation Canvas | 00:23:43 | Eduardo Bustamante Lucena | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F016: Presentation - [Presentations] | 17:32:00 - 17:55:43 | 0,00 USD | ||
01/04/2024 | Elaboracion presentacion | 00:23:34 | Alvaro Carrera Bernal | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F016: Presentation - [Presentations] | 17:32:00 - 17:55:34 | 0,00 USD | ||
01/04/2024 | watch_theory_pill_customer_agreement | 00:12:52 | Juan Martinez Cano | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_customer_agreement - | 17:28:00 - 17:40:52 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Learning] | ||||
01/04/2024 | Añadiendo Contratos firmados al docsaurus | 00:30:34 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F013: Register information Pilot Users | 17:19:40 - 17:50:14 | 0,00 USD | ||
- [Documentation] | ||||
01/04/2024 | añadiendo IA grupo 3 | 00:26:06 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8: Report IA - [Documentation] | 16:52:44 - 17:18:50 | 0,00 USD |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 2
01/04/2024 | Elaboracion presentacion | 00:11:19 | Alvaro Carrera Bernal | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F016: Presentation - [Presentations] | 16:37:54 - 16:49:13 | 0,00 USD | ||
01/04/2024 | Presentation Canvas | 00:12:12 | Eduardo Bustamante Lucena | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F016: Presentation - [Presentations] | 16:37:00 - 16:49:12 | 0,00 USD | ||
01/04/2024 | W9 - preparación presentación fravarcas | 01:01:57 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Presentations] | 16:16:19 - 17:18:16 | 0,00 USD | ||
01/04/2024 | Parte del subgrupo 4 | 01:37:52 | Gonzalo Santiago | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8: Presentation - [Presentations] | 16:00:00 - 17:37:52 | 0,00 USD | ||
01/04/2024 | Realización de la parte de la presentación del subgrupo 4 | 02:16:09 | Fernando Barroso Barroso | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8: Presentation - [Presentations] | 16:00:00 - 18:16:09 | 0,00 USD | ||
01/04/2024 | Creación de presentación de semana 8 | 01:15:14 | Alvaro Sanchez Flores | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8: Presentation - [Presentations] | 16:00:00 - 17:15:14 | 0,00 USD | ||
01/04/2024 | Puntos 4, 5, 6, 7, 14 | 01:18:21 | Jaime Caballero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F016: Presentation - [Presentations] | 16:00:00 - 17:18:21 | 0,00 USD | ||
01/04/2024 | Frontend R-057: Gestion de platos | 02:09:14 | Pablo Martínez Valladares | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R057: Gestión de platos - [Coding] | 15:51:26 - 18:00:40 | 0,00 USD | ||
01/04/2024 | W9 - presentación | 00:45:24 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Presentations] | 13:51:42 - 14:37:06 | 0,00 USD | ||
01/04/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:11:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_customer_agreement - | 13:17:00 - 13:28:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Learning] | ||||
01/04/2024 | Cambios en metricas, agendamiento y usuarios piloto | 01:03:35 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F016: Presentation - [Presentations] | 13:14:45 - 14:18:20 | 0,00 USD | ||
01/04/2024 | Canva Presentation | 00:34:34 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8: Presentation - [Presentations] | 13:02:58 - 13:37:32 | 0,00 USD | ||
01/04/2024 | Presentación | 00:42:19 | Juan Martinez Cano | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8: Presentation - [Presentations] | 12:53:00 - 13:35:19 | 0,00 USD | ||
01/04/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:12:08 | Gonzalo Santiago | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_customer_agreement - | 12:00:00 - 12:12:08 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Learning] | ||||
01/04/2024 | Recortar video demo | 00:43:07 | Artemio Rodríguez Asensio | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Documentation] | 10:39:00 - 11:22:07 | 0,00 USD | ||
01/04/2024 | Feedback recogido por el grupo 8 apuntado en el docusaurus | 00:30:28 | Alvaro Sanchez Flores | |
general | 10:00:00 - 10:30:28 | 0,00 USD | ||
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Week8: Common knowledge database - | ||||
[Documentation] | ||||
31/03/2024 | Redactando InformationProvidedByPilotUsers | 00:07:19 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F013: Register information Pilot Users | 22:49:22 - 22:56:41 | 0,00 USD | ||
- [Documentation] |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 3
31/03/2024 | W9- revisión guion | 00:04:35 | Fravarcas1 |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Presentations] | 22:20:39 - 22:25:14 | 0,00 USD | |
31/03/2024 | Probada aplicación de alumnos del grupo 2 | 00:30:34 | Alvaro Sanchez Flores |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F024: Test of morning shift application | 22:00:00 - 22:30:34 | 0,00 USD | |
- [Testing] | |||
31/03/2024 | Deployed software review | 00:28:49 | Fravarcas1 |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Deployed software review - [Testing] | 21:51:37 - 22:20:26 | 0,00 USD | |
31/03/2024 | Redactando InformationProvidedByPilotUsers | 00:10:59 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F013: Register information Pilot Users | 21:49:31 - 22:00:30 | 0,00 USD | |
- [Documentation] | |||
31/03/2024 | W9 - arreglos despliegue | 00:04:06 | Fravarcas1 |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 21:47:22 - 21:51:28 | 0,00 USD | |
31/03/2024 | Redactando InformationProvidedByPilotUsers | 01:05:24 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F013: Register information Pilot Users | 20:40:58 - 21:46:22 | 0,00 USD | |
- [Documentation] | |||
31/03/2024 | Metricas para la semana 8 | 00:09:46 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F002: Performance Metrics Update - | 20:30:59 - 20:40:45 | 0,00 USD | |
[Documentation] | |||
31/03/2024 | Creación del gráfico de dispersión | 00:30:19 | Alvaro Sanchez Flores |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F002: Performance Metrics Update - | 20:30:00 - 21:00:19 | 0,00 USD | |
[Documentation] | |||
31/03/2024 | Fill out the forms for group 2 feedback | 00:29:21 | Jaime Caballero |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F024: Test of morning shift application | 20:03:00 - 20:32:21 | 0,00 USD | |
- [Testing] | |||
31/03/2024 | W9 - Demo | 01:07:13 | Fravarcas1 |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W9 - Demo - [Presentations] | 19:58:59 - 21:06:12 | 0,00 USD | |
31/03/2024 | Report IA | 00:10:00 | Guillermo Pacheco |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8: Report IA - [Documentation] | 19:31:00 - 19:41:00 | 0,00 USD | |
31/03/2024 | Deployed software review | 00:17:55 | Fravarcas1 |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Deployed software review - [Testing] | 18:49:08 - 19:07:03 | 0,00 USD | |
31/03/2024 | Expected aspects review | 02:38:00 | Mario Sánchez Naranjo |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Expected aspects review - [Coding] | 18:10:00 - 20:48:00 | 0,00 USD | |
31/03/2024 | Vista pildora teorica de testing | 00:40:00 | Alvaro Sanchez Flores |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_Testing - [Learning] | 18:00:00 - 18:40:00 | 0,00 USD | |
31/03/2024 | Deployed software review | 00:18:49 | Fravarcas1 |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Deployed software review - [Testing] | 17:48:39 - 18:07:28 | 0,00 USD | |
31/03/2024 | W8-F004: Review the risks in the presentation | 00:55:15 | Guillermo Pacheco |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F004: Review the risks in the | 17:29:22 - 18:24:37 | 0,00 USD | |
presentation - [Presentations] |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 4
31/03/2024 | Pasar documentación 2º entregabe docsaurus | 02:41:22 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F012: Delivery - [Documentation] | 16:48:09 - 19:29:31 | 0,00 USD | |
31/03/2024 | FC terms review | 00:32:45 | Mario Sánchez Naranjo |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - FC terms review - [Coding] | 16:46:07 - 17:18:52 | 0,00 USD | |
31/03/2024 | #134 feat: Catering advertising | 00:19:21 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Conflicts resolution - [Coding] | 16:21:57 - 16:41:18 | 0,00 USD | |
31/03/2024 | Curriculum tests | 00:26:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-Fix: Catering employees | 13:52:00 - 14:18:00 | 0,00 USD | |
functionalities - [Testing] | |||
31/03/2024 | Realizar guión de la presentación 1º parte + revisión de la 2º | 03:30:08 | Artemio Rodríguez Asensio |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Presentations] | 11:40:00 - 15:10:08 | 0,00 USD | |
31/03/2024 | Actualizacion del Despliegue y arreglo media | 00:49:38 | Gonzalo Santiago |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F011: Deploy - [Coding] | 11:03:00 - 11:52:38 | 0,00 USD | |
30/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:57:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-Fix: Catering employees | 22:48:00 - 23:45:00 | 0,00 USD | |
functionalities - [Coding] | |||
30/03/2024 | #157 Feature/setup sonarcloud#148 | 00:47:06 | Artemio Rodríguez Asensio |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 20:22:00 - 21:09:06 | 0,00 USD | |
30/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 01:43:00 | Marco Roca Rodríguez |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F006: Reviewer’s Guide - | 20:04:00 - 21:47:00 | 0,00 USD | |
[Documentation] | |||
30/03/2024 | Finalización del documento | 01:38:21 | Alberto Benítez Morales |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F006: Reviewer’s Guide - | 20:02:00 - 21:40:21 | 0,00 USD | |
[Documentation] | |||
30/03/2024 | W9 - Metricas fravarcas | 00:02:30 | Fravarcas1 |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Documentation] | 19:52:27 - 19:54:57 | 0,00 USD | |
30/03/2024 | Metricas para la semana 8 | 00:24:45 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F002: Performance Metrics Update - | 19:38:02 - 20:02:47 | 0,00 USD | |
[Documentation] | |||
30/03/2024 | W8-F014: Changelog | 00:21:21 | Guillermo Pacheco |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F014: Changelog - [Coding] | 19:17:19 - 19:38:40 | 0,00 USD | |
30/03/2024 | Ver theory pill | 00:11:00 | Fernando Barroso Barroso |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_customer_agreement - | 19:01:00 - 19:12:00 | 0,00 USD | |
[Learning] | |||
30/03/2024 | Metricas para la semana 8 | 00:21:04 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F002: Performance Metrics Update - | 18:48:56 - 19:10:00 | 0,00 USD | |
[Documentation] | |||
30/03/2024 | Ver theory pill | 00:36:00 | Fernando Barroso Barroso |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_Replanning, | 18:23:00 - 18:59:00 | 0,00 USD | |
StoryBoards, and Expenses_Revenues Estimation - | |||
[Learning] |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 5
30/03/2024 | Intentar solucionar visualizado de curriculums en app | 00:24:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz | |
desplegada | 18:15:00 - 18:39:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-Fix: Catering employees | ||||
functionalities - [Coding] | ||||
30/03/2024 | Calendario para las reuniones | 00:26:34 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F003: Pilot User update - | 18:10:46 - 18:37:20 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Documentation] | ||||
30/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 01:04:52 | Alberto Benítez Morales | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F006: Reviewer’s Guide - | 17:53:00 - 18:57:52 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Documentation] | ||||
30/03/2024 | Calendario para las reuniones | 00:22:09 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F003: Pilot User update - | 17:43:07 - 18:05:16 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Documentation] | ||||
30/03/2024 | W8 - revisión: cambio en planes de precio | 00:10:00 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 17:38:00 - 17:48:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
30/03/2024 | Ver theory pill | 00:37:27 | Fernando Barroso Barroso | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_Testing - [Learning] | 17:30:00 - 18:07:27 | 0,00 USD | ||
30/03/2024 | Pildora teorica Customer Agreement | 00:11:06 | Alvaro Carrera Bernal | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_customer_agreement - | 16:23:00 - 16:34:06 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Learning] | ||||
30/03/2024 | #157 Feature/setup sonarcloud#148 | 01:25:01 | Artemio Rodríguez Asensio | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 16:22:00 - 17:47:01 | 0,00 USD | ||
30/03/2024 | #139 R-061: Cambio de plan | 01:23:23 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R061: Change of plan - [Coding] | 15:59:41 - 17:23:04 | 0,00 USD | ||
30/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:28:46 | Alberto Benítez Morales | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R020: Docusaurus deplyment - | 15:54:00 - 16:22:46 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Coding] | ||||
30/03/2024 | Pildora teorica Testing | 00:37:56 | Alvaro Carrera Bernal | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_Testing - [Learning] | 15:43:00 - 16:20:56 | 0,00 USD | ||
30/03/2024 | #139 R-061: Cambio de plan | 00:31:29 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R061: Change of plan - [Coding] | 14:42:36 - 15:14:05 | 0,00 USD | ||
30/03/2024 | W8-F014: Changelog | 01:41:55 | Guillermo Pacheco | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F014: Changelog - [Coding] | 14:26:05 - 16:08:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
30/03/2024 | W8 - PerformanceEvaluation fravarcas1 | 00:20:05 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Documentation] | 14:23:58 - 14:44:03 | 0,00 USD | ||
30/03/2024 | W8 - Report IA fravarcas1 | 00:13:06 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Documentation] | 14:10:32 - 14:23:38 | 0,00 USD | ||
30/03/2024 | REVISIÓN #143 Feature/improve home page | 00:47:12 | Artemio Rodríguez Asensio | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 14:03:00 - 14:50:12 | 0,00 USD |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 6
30/03/2024 | Revisión y aceptación de la pull request | 00:08:43 | Fernando Barroso Barroso | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R018: Password recovery - [Testing] | 13:34:00 - 13:42:43 | 0,00 USD | ||
30/03/2024 | story board | 00:36:54 | Juan Martinez Cano | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F-009: StoryBoard - [Documentation] | 12:34:24 - 13:11:18 | 0,00 USD | ||
30/03/2024 | StoryBoard | 00:49:43 | Alvaro Carrera Bernal | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F-009: StoryBoard - [Documentation] | 12:34:01 - 13:23:44 | 0,00 USD | ||
30/03/2024 | Story Board | 00:39:13 | Eduardo Bustamante Lucena | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F-009: StoryBoard - [Documentation] | 12:33:46 - 13:12:59 | 0,00 USD | ||
30/03/2024 | Documentation update | 00:18:39 | Jaime Caballero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F001: Cost & Benefit Analysis - | 11:10:00 - 11:28:39 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Documentation] | ||||
30/03/2024 | W8 - revisión modificaciones base de datos | 00:10:09 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 00:58:47 - 01:08:56 | 0,00 USD | ||
29/03/2024 | #144 feat: Add start/end dates and prevent date overlaps in | 01:35:02 | Artemio Rodríguez Asensio | |
EmployeeWorkService | 21:45:00 - 23:20:02 | 0,00 USD | ||
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | ||||
29/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 01:24:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F023: Improve home page - [Coding] | 20:41:00 - 22:05:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
29/03/2024 | W8-F014: Changelog | 01:33:28 | Guillermo Pacheco | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F014: Changelog - [Coding] | 20:00:55 - 21:34:23 | 0,00 USD | ||
29/03/2024 | W8 - #141 HOTFIX: arreglar url hacking apartado de gestión | 00:41:27 | Fravarcas1 | |
de ofertas | 19:48:29 - 20:29:56 | 0,00 USD | ||
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | ||||
29/03/2024 | Pildora teórica: Customer Agreement | 00:17:00 | Pablo Martínez Valladares | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_customer_agreement - | 19:04:00 - 19:21:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Learning] | ||||
29/03/2024 | #139 R-061: Cambio de plan | 01:32:26 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R061: Change of plan - [Coding] | 18:55:37 - 20:28:03 | 0,00 USD | ||
29/03/2024 | Access restriction for catering calendar | 00:54:35 | Mario Sánchez Naranjo | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R051: access restriction - [Coding] | 17:11:00 - 18:05:35 | 0,00 USD | ||
29/03/2024 | Envio de correos y actualización guia para usuarios piloto | 00:01:55 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F003: Pilot User update - | 17:03:05 - 17:05:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Documentation] | ||||
29/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 01:15:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F023: Improve home page - [Coding] | 16:50:00 - 18:05:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
29/03/2024 | Envio de correos y actualización guia para usuarios piloto | 00:17:49 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F003: Pilot User update - | 15:07:19 - 15:25:08 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Documentation] |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 7
29/03/2024 | Envio de correos y actualización guia para usuarios piloto | 00:01:50 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F003: Pilot User update - | 15:00:24 - 15:02:14 | 0,00 USD | |
[Documentation] | |||
29/03/2024 | Actualizacion del Despliegue y BBDD | 01:40:20 | Gonzalo Santiago |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F011: Deploy - [Coding] | 14:08:00 - 15:48:20 | 0,00 USD | |
29/03/2024 | Functionality and testing | 02:10:55 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R021: Recommendation Letter - | 12:11:48 - 14:22:43 | 0,00 USD | |
[Coding, Testing] | |||
29/03/2024 | Recommendation Letter Test | 02:12:48 | Eduardo Bustamante Lucena |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R021: Recommendation Letter - | 12:10:00 - 14:22:48 | 0,00 USD | |
[Testing] | |||
29/03/2024 | Review fix calendar frontend | 00:03:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 11:55:00 - 11:58:00 | 0,00 USD | |
29/03/2024 | Conflics resolution | 00:34:00 | Guillermo Pacheco |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Conflicts resolution - [Coding] | 10:59:00 - 11:33:00 | 0,00 USD | |
29/03/2024 | Search in semRush | 00:35:23 | Jaime Caballero |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F001: Cost & Benefit Analysis - | 10:08:00 - 10:43:23 | 0,00 USD | |
[Documentation] | |||
28/03/2024 | #135 feat: Implement Plate Management | 02:34:08 | Artemio Rodríguez Asensio |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 23:56:00 - 02:30:08+1 | 0,00 USD | |
28/03/2024 | #135 feat: Implement Plate Management | 01:35:02 | Artemio Rodríguez Asensio |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 21:22:00 - 22:57:02 | 0,00 USD | |
28/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 01:07:08 | Alberto Benítez Morales |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F006: Reviewer’s Guide - | 19:26:00 - 20:33:08 | 0,00 USD | |
[Documentation] | |||
28/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 01:42:00 | Marco Roca Rodríguez |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F006: Reviewer’s Guide - | 18:48:00 - 20:30:00 | 0,00 USD | |
[Documentation] | |||
28/03/2024 | Tarea finalizada | 00:36:20 | Alberto Benítez Morales |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R034: Catering advertising - [Coding] | 18:47:00 - 19:23:20 | 0,00 USD | |
28/03/2024 | Review task | 00:04:54 | Eduardo Bustamante Lucena |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R047: Crud caterings service - | 18:32:00 - 18:36:54 | 0,00 USD | |
[Testing] | |||
28/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 01:05:00 | Marco Roca Rodríguez |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Conflicts resolution - [Coding] | 17:53:00 - 18:58:00 | 0,00 USD | |
28/03/2024 | My recommendation letter view | 00:40:34 | Eduardo Bustamante Lucena |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R021: Recommendation Letter - | 17:50:00 - 18:30:34 | 0,00 USD | |
[Coding] | |||
28/03/2024 | Arreglar frontend del calendario | 00:59:48 | Pablo Martínez Valladares |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-Fix: Arreglar frontend del calendario - | 17:42:04 - 18:41:52 | 0,00 USD | |
[Coding] |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 8
28/03/2024 | Functionality | 00:48:52 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R021: Recommendation Letter - | 17:41:41 - 18:30:33 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Coding] | ||||
28/03/2024 | Testing Recommendation letter | 00:49:42 | Juan Martinez Cano | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R021: Recommendation Letter - | 17:41:00 - 18:30:42 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Testing] | ||||
28/03/2024 | REVISIÓN #131 Feature/notificar empresas cuando se crea | 01:09:01 | Artemio Rodríguez Asensio | |
evento #130 | 17:23:00 - 18:32:01 | 0,00 USD | ||
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | ||||
28/03/2024 | Review task | 00:12:10 | Eduardo Bustamante Lucena | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R047: Crud caterings service - | 16:26:00 - 16:38:10 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Testing] | ||||
28/03/2024 | #135 feat: Implement Plate Management | 01:03:45 | Artemio Rodríguez Asensio | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 16:20:00 - 17:23:45 | 0,00 USD | ||
28/03/2024 | reunion con Marco del subgrupo 2 | 00:34:04 | Artemio Rodríguez Asensio | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Meeting] | 15:00:00 - 15:34:04 | 0,00 USD | ||
28/03/2024 | My recommendation letter view | 00:50:12 | Juan Martinez Cano | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R021: Recommendation Letter - | 12:08:00 - 12:58:12 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Coding] | ||||
28/03/2024 | Recommendation Letter form | 00:55:37 | Eduardo Bustamante Lucena | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R021: Recommendation Letter - | 11:52:31 - 12:48:08 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Coding] | ||||
28/03/2024 | Desarrollo recommendation letter | 01:11:06 | Alvaro Carrera Bernal | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R021: Recommendation Letter - | 11:34:00 - 12:45:06 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Coding] | ||||
28/03/2024 | Functionality | 01:13:41 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R021: Recommendation Letter - | 11:33:49 - 12:47:30 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Coding] | ||||
28/03/2024 | Review fix calendar frontend | 00:17:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 11:30:00 - 11:47:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
27/03/2024 | Arreglar frontend del calendario | 00:43:00 | Pablo Martínez Valladares | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-Fix: Arreglar frontend del calendario - | 21:35:00 - 22:18:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Coding] | ||||
27/03/2024 | W8 - guión presentación | 00:29:49 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Presentations] | 19:56:27 - 20:26:16 | 0,00 USD | ||
27/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:28:42 | Alberto Benítez Morales | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R034: Catering advertising - [Coding] | 18:33:30 - 19:02:12 | 0,00 USD | ||
27/03/2024 | Functionality | 00:46:29 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R021: Recommendation Letter - | 18:25:25 - 19:11:54 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Coding] | ||||
27/03/2024 | List services employees | 00:58:50 | Eduardo Bustamante Lucena | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R021: Recommendation Letter - | 18:13:55 - 19:12:45 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Coding] |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 9
27/03/2024 | code development | 01:00:38 | Juan Martinez Cano |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R021: Recommendation Letter - | 18:04:00 - 19:04:38 | 0,00 USD | |
[Coding] | |||
27/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 01:17:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F021: Time reports update - | 18:02:00 - 19:19:00 | 0,00 USD | |
[Documentation] | |||
27/03/2024 | REVISIÓN #126 Feature/notificaciones #118 | 00:42:00 | Artemio Rodríguez Asensio |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 18:01:00 - 18:43:00 | 0,00 USD | |
27/03/2024 | Review task | 00:12:32 | Eduardo Bustamante Lucena |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R047: Crud caterings service - | 17:50:43 - 18:03:15 | 0,00 USD | |
[Testing] | |||
27/03/2024 | Review | 00:15:25 | Juan Martinez Cano |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R047: Crud caterings service - | 17:48:06 - 18:03:31 | 0,00 USD | |
[Coding] | |||
27/03/2024 | Conflictos resueltos tarea R-055 | 00:49:40 | Alvaro Carrera Bernal |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 17:36:54 - 18:26:34 | 0,00 USD | |
27/03/2024 | Conflics resolution | 01:12:00 | Guillermo Pacheco |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Conflicts resolution - [Coding] | 17:32:00 - 18:44:00 | 0,00 USD | |
27/03/2024 | W8 - Listado de funcionalidades | 00:15:13 | Fravarcas1 |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Documentation] | 17:28:02 - 17:43:15 | 0,00 USD | |
27/03/2024 | Pildora teorica Replanning, Story Boards | 00:36:02 | Alvaro Carrera Bernal |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_Replanning, | 15:34:00 - 16:10:02 | 0,00 USD | |
StoryBoards, and Expenses_Revenues Estimation - | |||
[Learning] | |||
27/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:17:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F021: Time reports update - | 14:34:00 - 14:51:00 | 0,00 USD | |
[Documentation] | |||
27/03/2024 | W8 - #118 R-011 Notificaciones | 00:47:16 | Fravarcas1 |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 10:22:52 - 11:10:08 | 0,00 USD | |
26/03/2024 | Edición y eliminación de catering services | 01:50:00 | Fernando Barroso Barroso |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R047: Crud caterings service - | 19:30:00 - 21:20:00 | 0,00 USD | |
[Coding] | |||
26/03/2024 | Editar y borrar catering services | 01:50:46 | Alvaro Sanchez Flores |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R047: Crud caterings service - | 19:29:14 - 21:20:00 | 0,00 USD | |
[Coding] | |||
26/03/2024 | W8 - #118 R-011 Notificaciones | 01:10:54 | Fravarcas1 |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 19:24:23 - 20:35:17 | 0,00 USD | |
26/03/2024 | Añadidos los listados y la creación de catering services | 01:56:06 | Fernando Barroso Barroso |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R047: Crud caterings service - | 17:33:09 - 19:29:15 | 0,00 USD | |
[Coding] | |||
26/03/2024 | Listado y creación de services | 01:56:14 | Alvaro Sanchez Flores |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R047: Crud caterings service - | 17:33:00 - 19:29:14 | 0,00 USD | |
[Coding] |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 10
26/03/2024 | Fix test | 00:27:37 | Juan Martinez Cano | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8: Hotfix test - [Coding] | 12:08:12 - 12:35:49 | 0,00 USD | ||
26/03/2024 | Fixing test errors in develop | 00:24:38 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8: Hotfix test - [Testing] | 12:06:33 - 12:31:11 | 0,00 USD | ||
26/03/2024 | W8 - Revisión Politicas de privacidad, manejo de reservas (R- | 00:20:29 | Fravarcas1 | |
035) | 09:48:52 - 10:09:21 | 0,00 USD | ||
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | ||||
26/03/2024 | #121 feat: Add Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions | 01:13:04 | Artemio Rodríguez Asensio | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding, Documentation] | 01:21:00 - 02:34:04 | 0,00 USD | ||
25/03/2024 | Frontend R-035 | 02:26:40 | Pablo Martínez Valladares | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R035: Booking management - | 21:55:09 - 00:21:49+1 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Coding] | ||||
25/03/2024 | W8 - #118 R-011 Notificaciones | 00:40:39 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 19:35:52 - 20:16:31 | 0,00 USD | ||
25/03/2024 | code development | 00:57:05 | Eduardo Bustamante Lucena | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R021: Recommendation Letter - | 12:15:00 - 13:12:05 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Coding] | ||||
25/03/2024 | Functionality | 01:17:15 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R021: Recommendation Letter - | 11:55:00 - 13:12:15 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Coding] | ||||
25/03/2024 | analysis of requirements | 00:15:46 | Eduardo Bustamante Lucena | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R016: Service Review - [Coding] | 11:54:22 - 12:10:08 | 0,00 USD | ||
25/03/2024 | Creating the model | 01:18:48 | Juan Martinez Cano | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R021: Recommendation Letter - | 11:53:32 - 13:12:20 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Coding] | ||||
24/03/2024 | W8 - #111 R-039: Notificaciones y Recordatorios | 02:47:20 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 10:17:39 - 13:04:59 | 0,00 USD | ||
23/03/2024 | Revisión de la pull request | 00:11:15 | Fernando Barroso Barroso | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R015: Error Report - [Testing] | 21:52:00 - 22:03:15 | 0,00 USD | ||
23/03/2024 | Revisión y aprobación de la pull request | 00:03:56 | Fernando Barroso Barroso | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8: Hotfix test - [Testing] | 21:26:00 - 21:29:56 | 0,00 USD | ||
23/03/2024 | watch_theory_pill_testing | 00:38:39 | Jaime Caballero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_Testing - [Learning] | 21:08:00 - 21:46:39 | 0,00 USD | ||
23/03/2024 | watch_theory_pill_Replanning_StoryBoards_RevenuesExpen | 00:35:39 | Jaime Caballero | |
sesEstimations | 20:32:21 - 21:08:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_Replanning, | ||||
StoryBoards, and Expenses_Revenues Estimation - | ||||
[Learning] | ||||
23/03/2024 | Revisión de la pull request | 00:12:36 | Fernando Barroso Barroso | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R018: Password recovery - [Testing] | 20:28:00 - 20:40:36 | 0,00 USD |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 11
23/03/2024 | Theory pill on customer agreement | 00:14:57 | Mario Sánchez Naranjo | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_customer_agreement - | 19:36:00 - 19:50:57 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Learning] | ||||
23/03/2024 | Redacción guía para usuarios piloto y envio de correos | 01:40:45 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F003: Pilot User update - | 15:12:06 - 16:52:51 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Documentation] | ||||
23/03/2024 | Actualización fecha usuarios piloto | 00:06:47 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F003: Pilot User update - | 15:04:43 - 15:11:30 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Documentation] | ||||
23/03/2024 | W8 - #111 R-039: Notificaciones y Recordatorios | 00:19:04 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 13:24:23 - 13:43:27 | 0,00 USD | ||
23/03/2024 | Ver píldora teórica: Testing | 00:38:26 | Pablo Martínez Valladares | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_Testing - [Learning] | 12:18:36 - 12:57:02 | 0,00 USD | ||
23/03/2024 | Ver píldora teórica: Replanning... | 00:41:36 | Pablo Martínez Valladares | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_Replanning, | 11:37:00 - 12:18:36 | 0,00 USD | ||
StoryBoards, and Expenses_Revenues Estimation - | ||||
[Learning] | ||||
23/03/2024 | W8 - #111 R-039: Notificaciones y Recordatorios | 01:15:50 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 10:18:13 - 11:34:03 | 0,00 USD | ||
23/03/2024 | watch_theory_pill_Replanning, Story Boards, and | 00:36:00 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero | |
Expenses_Revenues Estimation | 10:18:00 - 10:54:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_Replanning, | ||||
StoryBoards, and Expenses_Revenues Estimation - | ||||
[Learning] | ||||
22/03/2024 | Theory pill on testing | 00:37:27 | Mario Sánchez Naranjo | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_Testing - [Learning] | 23:28:10 - 00:05:37+1 | 0,00 USD | ||
22/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:02:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Conflicts resolution - [Coding] | 22:40:00 - 22:42:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
22/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 01:18:00 | Mario Sánchez Naranjo | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R044:Booking Calendar - [Coding] | 22:13:00 - 23:31:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
22/03/2024 | Cancel subscription plan | 01:07:35 | Mario Sánchez Naranjo | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R058:Cancel Subscription - [Coding] | 18:20:13 - 19:27:48 | 0,00 USD | ||
22/03/2024 | W7-R018: Password recovery | 01:25:52 | Guillermo Pacheco | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R018: Password recovery - [Coding] | 18:12:35 - 19:38:27 | 0,00 USD | ||
22/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:47:38 | Alberto Benítez Morales | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R020: Docusaurus deplyment - | 18:06:00 - 18:53:38 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Coding] | ||||
22/03/2024 | #109 R-058: Política de Cancelación de Suscripciones | 01:38:12 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R058:Cancel Subscription - [Coding] | 17:49:05 - 19:27:17 | 0,00 USD | ||
22/03/2024 | #109 R-058: Política de Cancelación de Suscripciones | 00:11:25 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R058:Cancel Subscription - [Coding] | 17:27:55 - 17:39:20 | 0,00 USD |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 12
22/03/2024 | Análisis del requisito y planteamiento del código | 01:16:09 | Alberto Benítez Morales |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R034: Catering advertising - [Coding] | 17:26:37 - 18:42:46 | 0,00 USD | |
22/03/2024 | Cancel subscription plan | 00:13:09 | Mario Sánchez Naranjo |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R058:Cancel Subscription - [Coding] | 17:26:19 - 17:39:28 | 0,00 USD | |
22/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:12:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Conflicts resolution - [Coding] | 16:29:00 - 16:41:00 | 0,00 USD | |
22/03/2024 | W7-R018: Password recovery | 01:00:08 | Guillermo Pacheco |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R018: Password recovery - [Coding] | 15:30:23 - 16:30:31 | 0,00 USD | |
22/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:20:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R022: Upload curriculum - [Coding] | 15:12:00 - 15:32:00 | 0,00 USD | |
22/03/2024 | watch_theory_pill_CustomerAgreement | 00:11:00 | Guillermo Pacheco |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Theory-Pill: Customer Agreement - | 13:35:00 - 13:46:00 | 0,00 USD | |
[Learning] | |||
22/03/2024 | restrict access to offers | 01:05:00 | Mario Sánchez Naranjo |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R051: access restriction - [Coding] | 12:19:00 - 13:24:00 | 0,00 USD | |
22/03/2024 | Review Pull Request | 00:24:14 | Eduardo Bustamante Lucena |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R038: Payment Management - | 09:51:00 - 10:15:14 | 0,00 USD | |
[Testing] | |||
22/03/2024 | Despliegue Sprint 2 | 01:55:36 | Gonzalo Santiago |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-F011: Deploy - [Coding] | 08:40:00 - 10:35:36 | 0,00 USD | |
22/03/2024 | Arreglo de errores y merge | 00:15:56 | Gonzalo Santiago |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R038: Payment Management - | 08:23:27 - 08:39:23 | 0,00 USD | |
[Coding] | |||
21/03/2024 | Fix test | 00:28:21 | Juan Martinez Cano |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8: Hotfix test - [Coding] | 19:19:44 - 19:48:05 | 0,00 USD | |
21/03/2024 | Corregir tests | 00:28:22 | Alvaro Carrera Bernal |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8: Hotfix test - [Coding] | 19:19:41 - 19:48:03 | 0,00 USD | |
21/03/2024 | Fixing test errors in develop | 00:28:17 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8: Hotfix test - [Testing] | 19:19:40 - 19:47:57 | 0,00 USD | |
21/03/2024 | Despliegue GitHub Actions | 00:48:26 | Alvaro Carrera Bernal |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8: GitHub Actions - [Coding] | 18:30:00 - 19:18:26 | 0,00 USD | |
21/03/2024 | Adding github actions to project | 00:49:17 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8: GitHub Actions - [Coding] | 18:29:01 - 19:18:18 | 0,00 USD | |
21/03/2024 | Configuration github action | 00:48:14 | Juan Martinez Cano |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8: GitHub Actions - [Coding] | 18:29:00 - 19:17:14 | 0,00 USD | |
21/03/2024 | GitHub actions configuration | 00:49:21 | Eduardo Bustamante Lucena |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8: GitHub Actions - [Coding] | 18:29:00 - 19:18:21 | 0,00 USD |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 13
21/03/2024 | Distribución de tareas | 00:23:00 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8:RSU-03: Sprint planning - [Meeting] | 18:00:00 - 18:23:00 | 0,00 USD | |
21/03/2024 | Sprint planning grupo 3 | 00:24:00 | Artemio Rodríguez Asensio |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7:RSU-03: Sprint planning - [Meeting] | 18:00:00 - 18:24:00 | 0,00 USD | |
20/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:18:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Conflicts resolution - [Coding] | 19:50:00 - 20:08:00 | 0,00 USD | |
20/03/2024 | Frontend R-035 | 02:23:00 | Pablo Martínez Valladares |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R035: Booking management - | 17:28:00 - 19:51:00 | 0,00 USD | |
[Coding] | |||
20/03/2024 | Planification meeting | 01:01:30 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-RCO: Sprint 2 Planing week 2 - | 16:03:06 - 17:04:36 | 0,00 USD | |
[Meeting] | |||
20/03/2024 | Distribución de tareas | 01:10:00 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-RCO: Sprint 2 Planing week 3 - | 16:00:00 - 17:10:00 | 0,00 USD | |
[Meeting] | |||
20/03/2024 | Distribution of tasks | 01:10:00 | Jaime Caballero |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-RCO: Sprint 2 Planing week 3 - | 16:00:00 - 17:10:00 | 0,00 USD | |
[Meeting] | |||
19/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 01:37:19 | Marco Roca Rodríguez |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7: Docusaurus documents E1 - | 16:34:00 - 18:11:19 | 0,00 USD | |
[Documentation] | |||
19/03/2024 | W8 - Clases | 03:00:00 | Fravarcas1 |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Learning] | 15:30:00 - 18:30:00 | 0,00 USD | |
19/03/2024 | Asistencia a clase | 04:00:00 | Fernando Barroso Barroso |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Week 8: Sprint 2 - [Learning] | 15:30:00 - 19:30:00 | 0,00 USD | |
19/03/2024 | Clase Sprint 2 | 04:00:00 | Mario Sánchez Naranjo |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Week 8: Sprint 2 - [Learning] | 15:30:00 - 19:30:00 | 0,00 USD | |
19/03/2024 | Theory class | 02:00:00 | Eduardo Bustamante Lucena |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Week 8: Sprint 2 - [Learning] | 15:30:00 - 17:30:00 | 0,00 USD | |
19/03/2024 | Asistir a clase | 04:00:00 | Pablo Martínez Valladares |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Week 8: Sprint 2 - [Presentations] | 15:30:00 - 19:30:00 | 0,00 USD | |
19/03/2024 | Clase 19/03 | 04:00:00 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Week 8: Sprint 2 - [Learning] | 15:30:00 - 19:30:00 | 0,00 USD | |
19/03/2024 | Class | 02:00:00 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Week 8: Sprint 2 - [Learning] | 15:30:00 - 17:30:00 | 0,00 USD | |
19/03/2024 | Class attendance | 04:00:00 | Jaime Caballero |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Week 8: Sprint 2 - [Learning] | 15:30:00 - 19:30:00 | 0,00 USD | |
19/03/2024 | Class | 01:50:00 | Juan Martinez Cano |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Week 8: Sprint 2 - [Learning] | 15:30:00 - 17:20:00 | 0,00 USD |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 14
19/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 04:00:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Week 8: Sprint 2 - [Learning] | 15:30:00 - 19:30:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
19/03/2024 | Clase Week8 | 01:50:00 | Guillermo Pacheco | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Week 8: Sprint 2 - [Learning] | 15:30:00 - 17:20:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
19/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 04:00:00 | Gonzalo Santiago | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Week 8: Sprint 2 - [Learning] | 15:30:00 - 19:30:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
19/03/2024 | Review 1/2 S2: Asistir a clase y realizar la presentación | 02:10:05 | Artemio Rodríguez Asensio | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Learning] | 15:30:00 - 17:40:05 | 0,00 USD | ||
19/03/2024 | W8 - Preparación presentación | 00:30:00 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Presentations] | 13:30:00 - 14:00:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
19/03/2024 | watch_theory_pill_Replanning, Story Boards, and | 00:35:43 | Eduardo Bustamante Lucena | |
Expenses_Revenues Estimation | 13:15:00 - 13:50:43 | 0,00 USD | ||
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Theory Pill - Replanning, Story Boards, | ||||
and Expenses_Revenues Estimation - [Learning] | ||||
19/03/2024 | Canvas | 00:28:50 | Eduardo Bustamante Lucena | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7: Presentation - [Presentations] | 12:42:11 - 13:11:01 | 0,00 USD | ||
19/03/2024 | Canva Presentation | 00:28:24 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7: Presentation - [Presentations] | 12:41:59 - 13:10:23 | 0,00 USD | ||
19/03/2024 | Revisión de la presentación y modificación | 00:11:33 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7: Presentation - [Presentations] | 12:38:54 - 12:50:27 | 0,00 USD | ||
19/03/2024 | Ensayo presentación | 01:34:12 | Artemio Rodríguez Asensio | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 | 12:08:00 - 13:42:12 | 0,00 USD | ||
19/03/2024 | Testing | 00:42:18 | Eduardo Bustamante Lucena | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R015: Error report - [Testing] | 11:45:00 - 12:27:18 | 0,00 USD | ||
19/03/2024 | Resolve conflicts | 00:07:05 | Eduardo Bustamante Lucena | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R037: Rating and Review System - | 11:37:00 - 11:44:05 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Coding] | ||||
19/03/2024 | Adaptación del código a la nueva estructura del proyecto | 00:25:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R022: Upload curriculum - [Coding] | 11:36:00 - 12:01:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
19/03/2024 | Tests | 00:57:30 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R015: Error report - [Testing] | 11:29:36 - 12:27:06 | 0,00 USD | ||
18/03/2024 | Redacción del contrato para los usuarios piloto | 00:13:19 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R005: Pilot user contract - | 23:47:25 - 00:00:44+1 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Documentation] | ||||
18/03/2024 | Revisión de la presentación y modificación | 00:59:32 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7: Presentation - [Presentations] | 22:47:37 - 23:47:09 | 0,00 USD | ||
18/03/2024 | Review | 00:08:25 | Juan Martinez Cano | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R029: Catering search home - | 22:15:14 - 22:23:39 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Coding] |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 15
18/03/2024 | Review | 00:14:48 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R029: Catering search home - | 22:04:36 - 22:19:24 | 0,00 USD | |
[Coding] | |||
18/03/2024 | Revisión de la presentación y modificación | 00:13:06 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7: Presentation - [Presentations] | 21:15:09 - 21:28:15 | 0,00 USD | |
18/03/2024 | W8 - Metricas fravarcas | 00:04:39 | Fravarcas1 |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Documentation] | 19:38:41 - 19:43:20 | 0,00 USD | |
18/03/2024 | Creación excel para calculo automático de la nota | 00:07:16 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Week 7: metric performance - | 19:30:57 - 19:38:13 | 0,00 USD | |
[Documentation] | |||
18/03/2024 | W7-R018: Password recovery | 00:12:48 | Guillermo Pacheco |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R018: Password recovery - [Coding] | 19:18:44 - 19:31:32 | 0,00 USD | |
18/03/2024 | Correccion Project Status and Presentation | 00:32:19 | Jaime Caballero |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-F002: Project status - [Documentation] | 19:12:41 - 19:45:00 | 0,00 USD | |
18/03/2024 | Functionality | 00:45:42 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R015: Error report - [Coding] | 18:42:26 - 19:28:08 | 0,00 USD | |
18/03/2024 | Funcionalidad reportar error | 00:47:07 | Alvaro Carrera Bernal |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R015: Error report - [Coding] | 18:41:00 - 19:28:07 | 0,00 USD | |
18/03/2024 | Resolve conflicts | 00:23:58 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R053:Particular book cancelation and | 18:18:23 - 18:42:21 | 0,00 USD | |
modification - [Coding] | |||
18/03/2024 | Realizar la presentación canva | 01:08:00 | Fernando Barroso Barroso |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7: Presentation - [Documentation] | 18:15:00 - 19:23:00 | 0,00 USD | |
18/03/2024 | Resolve pull request petitions | 00:12:49 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R053:Particular book cancelation and | 18:02:26 - 18:15:15 | 0,00 USD | |
modification - [Coding] | |||
18/03/2024 | Creados puntos 1 a 8 de la presentación segun el guión | 01:15:00 | Alvaro Sanchez Flores |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7: Presentation - [Presentations] | 17:45:00 - 19:00:00 | 0,00 USD | |
18/03/2024 | W7-R018: Password recovery | 00:49:43 | Guillermo Pacheco |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R018: Password recovery - [Coding] | 17:27:30 - 18:17:13 | 0,00 USD | |
18/03/2024 | Revisión de tarea W7-R025: Caterings by location | 00:20:53 | Guillermo Pacheco |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R025: Caterings by location - [Coding] | 17:01:04 - 17:21:57 | 0,00 USD | |
18/03/2024 | Acabados estilos similares a los mockups | 00:44:00 | Alvaro Sanchez Flores |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R023: Caterings List - [Coding] | 17:01:00 - 17:45:00 | 0,00 USD | |
18/03/2024 | Show 4 catering and 4 offers in home | 02:12:41 | Jaime Caballero |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R029: Catering search home - | 17:00:00 - 19:12:41 | 0,00 USD | |
[Coding] | |||
18/03/2024 | W8 - Demo | 00:21:49 | Fravarcas1 |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Presentations] | 16:48:37 - 17:10:26 | 0,00 USD |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 16
18/03/2024 | Añadida Pasarela de Pago | 02:41:16 | Gonzalo Santiago | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R038: Payment Management - | 16:46:00 - 19:27:16 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Coding] | ||||
18/03/2024 | Resolucion de conflictos para hacer el merge | 01:00:50 | Alvaro Sanchez Flores | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R030: Hired Caterings - [Coding] | 16:00:00 - 17:00:50 | 0,00 USD | ||
18/03/2024 | Send Error Report | 01:45:48 | Eduardo Bustamante Lucena | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R015: Error report - [Coding] | 15:59:00 - 17:44:48 | 0,00 USD | ||
18/03/2024 | W8 - Arreglar fallos de integración de funcionalidades para | 00:54:46 | Fravarcas1 | |
empleados | 15:50:26 - 16:45:12 | 0,00 USD | ||
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | ||||
18/03/2024 | Funcionalidad reportar error | 01:09:17 | Alvaro Carrera Bernal | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R015: Error report - [Coding] | 15:40:00 - 16:49:17 | 0,00 USD | ||
18/03/2024 | Functionality | 01:10:49 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R015: Error report - [Coding] | 15:39:20 - 16:50:09 | 0,00 USD | ||
18/03/2024 | Resolve conflicts | 00:18:07 | Eduardo Bustamante Lucena | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R037: Rating and Review System - | 15:39:00 - 15:57:07 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Coding] | ||||
18/03/2024 | Report IA | 00:05:49 | Juan Martinez Cano | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7: Report IA - [Documentation] | 13:50:00 - 13:55:49 | 0,00 USD | ||
18/03/2024 | Subgroup 1 IA | 00:05:07 | Eduardo Bustamante Lucena | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7: Report IA - [Documentation] | 13:44:00 - 13:49:07 | 0,00 USD | ||
18/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:32:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R022: Upload curriculum - [Coding] | 13:31:00 - 14:03:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
18/03/2024 | Frontend R-033 | 01:04:27 | Pablo Martínez Valladares | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R036: Menu management - [Coding] | 13:23:33 - 14:28:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
18/03/2024 | Presentation | 00:43:12 | Juan Martinez Cano | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7: Presentation - [Presentations] | 13:02:00 - 13:45:12 | 0,00 USD | ||
18/03/2024 | Story Board | 00:43:45 | Eduardo Bustamante Lucena | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7: Presentation - [Presentations] | 13:00:00 - 13:43:45 | 0,00 USD | ||
18/03/2024 | Edicion video Demo (recorte) | 00:35:05 | Artemio Rodríguez Asensio | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Documentation] | 11:27:00 - 12:02:05 | 0,00 USD | ||
18/03/2024 | Revisión de tarea R-036 | 00:10:55 | Marco Roca Rodríguez | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R036: Menu management - [Coding] | 00:25:43 - 00:36:38 | 0,00 USD | ||
18/03/2024 | Frontend R-033 | 00:42:11 | Pablo Martínez Valladares | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R036: Menu management - [Coding] | 00:20:52 - 01:03:03 | 0,00 USD | ||
17/03/2024 | #89 Feature/menu managment | 03:11:08 | Artemio Rodríguez Asensio | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 23:21:00 - 02:32:08+1 | 0,00 USD |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 17
17/03/2024 | Frontend R-036 | 01:03:35 | Pablo Martínez Valladares | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R036: Menu management - [Coding] | 22:23:29 - 23:27:04 | 0,00 USD | ||
17/03/2024 | Eliminacón de conflictos en la PR | 00:26:00 | Marco Roca Rodríguez | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R041: Offer publishment and | 22:07:00 - 22:33:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
management - [Coding] | ||||
17/03/2024 | W7-F001: Story Board | 01:37:30 | Guillermo Pacheco | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-F001: Story Board - [Documentation] | 20:24:01 - 22:01:31 | 0,00 USD | ||
17/03/2024 | Arreglo de css de edición y eliminación y añadido botón de | 02:29:00 | Marco Roca Rodríguez | |
creación solo para CateringCompany, modificado html del | 19:38:00 - 22:07:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
listado para que solo los usuarios puedan aplicar y añadido | ||||
en la navbar "Offers" y modificado html de create offer y la | ||||
función create_offer para poder seleccionar un catering | ||||
service | ||||
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R041: Offer publishment and | ||||
management - [Coding] | ||||
17/03/2024 | Frontend R-036 | 00:55:03 | Pablo Martínez Valladares | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R036: Menu management - [Coding] | 19:03:15 - 19:58:18 | 0,00 USD | ||
17/03/2024 | Añadida la opción de filtrar los caterings por localización y | 00:59:01 | Fernando Barroso Barroso | |
sus correspondientes tests | 19:01:45 - 20:00:46 | 0,00 USD | ||
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R025: Caterings by location - [Coding] | ||||
17/03/2024 | Tests unitarios para booking management | 01:28:32 | Mario Sánchez Naranjo | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6:R-035: Booking Management - | 18:23:28 - 19:52:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Testing] | ||||
17/03/2024 | Story board | 01:25:07 | Juan Martinez Cano | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-F001: Story Board - [Documentation] | 18:14:22 - 19:39:29 | 0,00 USD | ||
17/03/2024 | Story Board of client | 01:22:38 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-F001: Story Board - [Documentation] | 18:13:02 - 19:35:40 | 0,00 USD | ||
17/03/2024 | Trabajo en el estilo del listado, acabado a falta de poder | 01:30:15 | Alvaro Sanchez Flores | |
mostrar logos | 18:00:00 - 19:30:15 | 0,00 USD | ||
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R023: Caterings List - [Coding] | ||||
17/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 01:30:16 | Alberto Benítez Morales | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R041: Offer publishment and | 17:01:03 - 18:31:19 | 0,00 USD | ||
management - [Coding] | ||||
17/03/2024 | Guión de la presentación | 01:34:00 | Artemio Rodríguez Asensio | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7: Presentation - [Presentations] | 16:25:00 - 17:59:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
17/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:40:00 | Alberto Benítez Morales | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Week 7: Individual Performance | 16:00:00 - 16:40:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
evaluation - [Learning] | ||||
17/03/2024 | watch_theory_pill_customer_agreement | 01:12:00 | Artemio Rodríguez Asensio | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_customer_agreement - | 15:11:00 - 16:23:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Learning] | ||||
17/03/2024 | Project Status Excel and Graphic | 02:15:14 | Jaime Caballero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-F002: Project status - [Documentation] | 11:22:00 - 13:37:14 | 0,00 USD |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 18
17/03/2024 | W8 - Uso de la IA | 00:08:36 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Documentation] | 10:39:05 - 10:47:41 | 0,00 USD | ||
17/03/2024 | watch_theory_pill_customer_agreement | 00:14:57 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_customer_agreement - | 10:22:56 - 10:37:53 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Learning] | ||||
16/03/2024 | #89 Feature/menu managment | 00:48:02 | Artemio Rodríguez Asensio | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 18:54:00 - 19:42:02 | 0,00 USD | ||
16/03/2024 | Tests | 01:21:39 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R055: Management of | 18:17:12 - 19:38:51 | 0,00 USD | ||
Cancellations/Customer Changes for Catering Companies - | ||||
[Testing] | ||||
16/03/2024 | Gestión reservas catering | 01:21:57 | Alvaro Carrera Bernal | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R055: Management of | 18:17:00 - 19:38:57 | 0,00 USD | ||
Cancellations/Customer Changes for Catering Companies - | ||||
[Coding] | ||||
16/03/2024 | Code and testing | 01:19:51 | Juan Martinez Cano | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R055: Management of | 18:14:00 - 19:33:51 | 0,00 USD | ||
Cancellations/Customer Changes for Catering Companies - | ||||
[Coding] | ||||
16/03/2024 | W8 - Guión presentación | 00:25:19 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Presentations] | 14:04:17 - 14:29:36 | 0,00 USD | ||
16/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:04:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Issues/pull requests template video - | 14:00:00 - 14:04:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Learning] | ||||
16/03/2024 | Test of two operations | 00:25:25 | Jaime Caballero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R029: Catering search home - | 13:22:00 - 13:47:25 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Coding] | ||||
16/03/2024 | W8 - #87 R-057 Seguimiento de Aplicaciones de Trabajo | 01:06:58 | Fravarcas1 | |
para Empleados | 12:54:41 - 14:01:39 | 0,00 USD | ||
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | ||||
16/03/2024 | Mejora del customer agreement en función de lo observado | 00:59:50 | Alvaro Sanchez Flores | |
en la píldora teórica | 12:30:10 - 13:30:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-Customer Agreement - | ||||
[Documentation] | ||||
16/03/2024 | Arreglado problema con cateringService y la pantalla de | 01:37:33 | Marco Roca Rodríguez | |
confiación de delte_offer, así como cambiado a al módulo | 12:30:00 - 14:07:33 | 0,00 USD | ||
catering_owners | ||||
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R041: Offer publishment and | ||||
management - [Coding] | ||||
16/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:40:21 | Alberto Benítez Morales | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R041: Offer publishment and | 12:03:00 - 12:43:21 | 0,00 USD | ||
management - [Coding] | ||||
16/03/2024 | Search for a offer at home | 00:44:55 | Jaime Caballero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R029: Catering search home - | 11:30:23 - 12:15:18 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Coding] |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 19
16/03/2024 | Vista píldora teórica de la semana 6 y creada gráfica | 01:30:10 | Alvaro Sanchez Flores | |
correspondiente | 11:00:00 - 12:30:10 | 0,00 USD | ||
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-F002:Costs Evolution - | ||||
[Documentation] | ||||
16/03/2024 | Vista para corregir customer agreement | 00:15:14 | Alvaro Sanchez Flores | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_customer_agreement - | 10:45:00 - 11:00:14 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Learning] | ||||
16/03/2024 | Vista píldora teórica para creación de gráfica de costes vs | 00:45:00 | Alvaro Sanchez Flores | |
ingresos | 10:00:00 - 10:45:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_Replanning, | ||||
StoryBoards, and Expenses_Revenues Estimation - | ||||
[Learning] | ||||
16/03/2024 | Search for a catering at home | 01:30:23 | Jaime Caballero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R029: Catering search home - | 10:00:00 - 11:30:23 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Coding] | ||||
15/03/2024 | W7 - #84 R-030 Aplicar Candidatura | 00:32:36 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 22:52:32 - 23:25:08 | 0,00 USD | ||
15/03/2024 | Frontend R-035 | 01:23:00 | Pablo Martínez Valladares | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W8-R035: Booking management - | 21:51:00 - 23:14:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Coding] | ||||
15/03/2024 | W7 - Revisión: Company update #82 | 00:16:48 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Testing] | 21:43:12 - 22:00:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
15/03/2024 | W7 - #84 R-030 Aplicar Candidatura | 00:42:56 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 20:13:26 - 20:56:22 | 0,00 USD | ||
15/03/2024 | Task estimation | 00:31:55 | Jaime Caballero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-F002: Project status - [Documentation] | 19:33:05 - 20:05:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
15/03/2024 | Resolve conflicts | 00:13:39 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R053:Particular book cancelation and | 18:41:14 - 18:54:53 | 0,00 USD | ||
modification - [Coding] | ||||
15/03/2024 | Testing | 01:11:25 | Juan Martinez Cano | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R053:Particular book cancelation and | 17:30:14 - 18:41:39 | 0,00 USD | ||
modification - [Testing] | ||||
15/03/2024 | Testing | 01:06:56 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R053:Particular book cancelation and | 17:29:45 - 18:36:41 | 0,00 USD | ||
modification - [Testing] | ||||
15/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:27:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R022: Upload curriculum - [Coding] | 17:26:00 - 17:53:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
15/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:38:50 | Gonzalo Santiago | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_Testing - [Learning] | 16:55:00 - 17:33:50 | 0,00 USD | ||
15/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:36:11 | Gonzalo Santiago | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_Replanning, | 16:04:00 - 16:40:11 | 0,00 USD | ||
StoryBoards, and Expenses_Revenues Estimation - | ||||
[Learning] |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 20
15/03/2024 | W7 - #84 R-030 Aplicar Candidatura | 00:09:05 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 15:33:21 - 15:42:26 | 0,00 USD | ||
15/03/2024 | W7 - #84 R-030 Aplicar Candidatura | 00:14:51 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 15:02:50 - 15:17:41 | 0,00 USD | ||
15/03/2024 | Revisión | 00:05:08 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R024: Caterings Filter - [Coding] | 13:39:52 - 13:45:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
15/03/2024 | W7 - #84 R-030 Aplicar Candidatura | 01:04:48 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 13:26:59 - 14:31:47 | 0,00 USD | ||
15/03/2024 | W7 - Creación de tareas en github | 00:06:17 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Design] | 13:20:38 - 13:26:55 | 0,00 USD | ||
14/03/2024 | Theory pill on StoryBoards,replanning and | 00:35:53 | Mario Sánchez Naranjo | |
expenses/revenues estimation | 23:30:27 - 00:06:20+1 | 0,00 USD | ||
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_Replanning, | ||||
StoryBoards, and Expenses_Revenues Estimation - | ||||
[Learning] | ||||
14/03/2024 | Revisión de la pull request | 00:12:18 | Fernando Barroso Barroso | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6:R-052: Catering hiring - [Testing] | 20:50:11 - 21:02:29 | 0,00 USD | ||
14/03/2024 | Revisión de la pull request | 00:15:32 | Fernando Barroso Barroso | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R037: Rating and Review System - | 20:28:00 - 20:43:32 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Testing] | ||||
14/03/2024 | #83 R-051 Restricciones de acceso (Backend) | 00:35:56 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-R051: access restriction - [Coding] | 19:46:12 - 20:22:08 | 0,00 USD | ||
14/03/2024 | #48 R-033: Perfil de Empresa | 01:09:25 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R033: Editing Catering Company | 18:09:02 - 19:18:27 | 0,00 USD | ||
Profile - [Coding] | ||||
14/03/2024 | Fix test | 00:56:14 | Juan Martinez Cano | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6:R-052: Catering hiring - [Coding] | 17:42:46 - 18:39:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
14/03/2024 | Gestión reservas catering | 01:11:33 | Alvaro Carrera Bernal | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R055: Management of | 17:08:55 - 18:20:28 | 0,00 USD | ||
Cancellations/Customer Changes for Catering Companies - | ||||
[Coding] | ||||
14/03/2024 | Resolve conflicts | 01:17:12 | Eduardo Bustamante Lucena | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R037: Rating and Review System - | 17:03:00 - 18:20:12 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Coding] | ||||
14/03/2024 | Revisión | 00:06:20 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R024: Caterings Filter - [Coding] | 16:49:55 - 16:56:15 | 0,00 USD | ||
14/03/2024 | #48 R-033: Perfil de Empresa | 00:48:46 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R033: Editing Catering Company | 16:46:22 - 17:35:08 | 0,00 USD | ||
Profile - [Coding] | ||||
14/03/2024 | W8 - guión presentación | 00:10:49 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Presentations] | 16:13:12 - 16:24:01 | 0,00 USD |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 21
14/03/2024 | W8 - Reparto de tareas | 00:09:27 | Fravarcas1 |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Meeting] | 15:57:31 - 16:06:58 | 0,00 USD | |
14/03/2024 | Booking Calendar functionalities | 03:00:57 | Mario Sánchez Naranjo |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6:R-035: Booking Management - | 15:41:00 - 18:41:57 | 0,00 USD | |
[Coding] | |||
14/03/2024 | #48 R-033: Perfil de Empresa | 01:21:58 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R033: Editing Catering Company | 15:09:17 - 16:31:15 | 0,00 USD | |
Profile - [Coding] | |||
14/03/2024 | #79 Feature/publish employment offers | 00:12:34 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R041: Offer publishment and | 14:49:54 - 15:02:28 | 0,00 USD | |
management - [Coding] | |||
14/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:58:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R022: Upload curriculum - [Coding] | 13:18:00 - 14:16:00 | 0,00 USD | |
13/03/2024 | Añadidos los tests y otras correcciones | 00:33:01 | Fernando Barroso Barroso |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R024: Caterings Filter - [Testing] | 20:41:45 - 21:14:46 | 0,00 USD | |
13/03/2024 | Booking calendar for companies | 02:08:00 | Mario Sánchez Naranjo |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6:R-035: Booking Management - | 20:24:00 - 22:32:00 | 0,00 USD | |
[Coding] | |||
13/03/2024 | Subgroup 3 week 7meeting | 00:41:00 | Pablo Martínez Valladares |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7:RSU-03: Sprint planning - [Meeting] | 20:03:00 - 20:44:00 | 0,00 USD | |
13/03/2024 | Distribución de tareas | 00:44:00 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7:RSU-03: Sprint planning - [Meeting] | 20:00:00 - 20:44:00 | 0,00 USD | |
13/03/2024 | Sprint planning en subgrupo 3 | 01:05:00 | Artemio Rodríguez Asensio |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7:RSU-03: Sprint planning - [Meeting] | 20:00:00 - 21:05:00 | 0,00 USD | |
13/03/2024 | #48 R-033: Perfil de Empresa | 00:04:25 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R033: Editing Catering Company | 19:11:46 - 19:16:11 | 0,00 USD | |
Profile - [Coding] | |||
13/03/2024 | Integración con develop y traducción al inglés | 01:21:44 | Fernando Barroso Barroso |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R024: Caterings Filter - [Coding] | 19:11:13 - 20:32:57 | 0,00 USD | |
13/03/2024 | #48 R-033: Perfil de Empresa | 00:30:12 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R033: Editing Catering Company | 18:36:23 - 19:06:35 | 0,00 USD | |
Profile - [Coding] | |||
13/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 01:23:17 | Mario Sánchez Naranjo |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6:RSU-03: Sprint planning - [Meeting] | 18:18:50 - 19:42:07 | 0,00 USD | |
13/03/2024 | Functionality | 01:02:49 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R053:Particular book cancelation and | 16:08:27 - 17:11:16 | 0,00 USD | |
modification - [Coding] | |||
13/03/2024 | W7-RCO: Sprint 2 Plannig Week 2 | 01:03:07 | Guillermo Pacheco |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-RCO: Sprint 2 Planing week 2 - | 16:05:35 - 17:08:42 | 0,00 USD | |
[Meeting] |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 22
13/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 01:09:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Django learning - [Learning] | 16:05:00 - 17:14:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
13/03/2024 | Distribución de tareas | 01:02:00 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-RCO: Sprint 2 Planing week 2 - | 16:02:00 - 17:04:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Meeting] | ||||
13/03/2024 | Reparto de las tareas sprint 2 week 2 | 01:08:00 | Fernando Barroso Barroso | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-RCO: Sprint 2 Planing week 2 - | 16:00:00 - 17:08:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Meeting] | ||||
13/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 01:10:00 | Marco Roca Rodríguez | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W7-RCO: Sprint 2 Planing week 2 - | 16:00:00 - 17:10:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Meeting] | ||||
13/03/2024 | Functionality | 00:31:29 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R053:Particular book cancelation and | 13:07:43 - 13:39:12 | 0,00 USD | ||
modification - [Coding] | ||||
13/03/2024 | W7 - Revisar release | 00:06:56 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Testing] | 13:02:29 - 13:09:25 | 0,00 USD | ||
13/03/2024 | W7 - Investigar como hacer templates para github | 00:16:30 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Design] | 10:32:45 - 10:49:15 | 0,00 USD | ||
13/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 01:03:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R022: Upload curriculum - [Coding] | 10:28:00 - 11:31:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
12/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:17:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-F005: Time reports update - | 22:55:00 - 23:12:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Documentation] | ||||
12/03/2024 | Fix menu selection | 01:10:00 | Juan Martinez Cano | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6:R-052: Catering hiring - [Coding] | 20:50:00 - 22:00:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
12/03/2024 | w7 - Revisión: fix update event-menu relationship and simplify | 00:11:49 | Fravarcas1 | |
models | 19:37:15 - 19:49:04 | 0,00 USD | ||
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Testing] | ||||
12/03/2024 | Resolviendo conflictos | 01:03:00 | Guillermo Pacheco | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 19:28:00 - 20:31:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
12/03/2024 | My note | 00:35:00 | Jaime Caballero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Week 7: Individual Performance | 17:00:00 - 17:35:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
evaluation - [Learning] | ||||
12/03/2024 | Asistencia a clase | 00:35:00 | Fernando Barroso Barroso | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Week 7: Individual Performance | 16:10:00 - 16:45:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
evaluation - [Learning] | ||||
12/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:35:00 | Alvaro Sanchez Flores | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Week 7: Individual Performance | 16:10:00 - 16:45:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
evaluation - [Learning] | ||||
12/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:35:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Week 7: Individual Performance | 16:05:00 - 16:40:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
evaluation - [Learning] |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 23
12/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:35:00 | Mario Sánchez Naranjo | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Week 7: Individual Performance | 16:05:00 - 16:40:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
evaluation - [Learning] | ||||
12/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:35:00 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Week 7: Individual Performance | 16:05:00 - 16:40:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
evaluation - [Learning] | ||||
12/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:35:00 | Gonzalo Santiago | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Week 7: Individual Performance | 16:05:00 - 16:40:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
evaluation - [Learning] | ||||
12/03/2024 | Clase de retrospectiva | 00:37:00 | Guillermo Pacheco | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Learning] | 16:00:00 - 16:37:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
12/03/2024 | W7 - Clase Retrospectiva | 00:35:00 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Learning] | 16:00:00 - 16:35:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
12/03/2024 | Añade funcionalidad menor | 00:28:00 | Guillermo Pacheco | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6:R-054: Proceso de Verificación de | 13:21:00 - 13:49:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
Empresas de Catering - [Coding] | ||||
12/03/2024 | Revisión | 00:14:46 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R024: Caterings Filter - [Coding] | 12:30:20 - 12:45:06 | 0,00 USD | ||
12/03/2024 | Review W6:R012- Busqueda de catering | 00:10:35 | Juan Martinez Cano | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R023: Caterings List - [Coding] | 12:09:52 - 12:20:27 | 0,00 USD | ||
12/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:11:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Sprint retrospective presentation - | 12:04:00 - 12:15:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Presentations] | ||||
12/03/2024 | #74 fix: Update event-menu relationship and simplify models | 01:18:00 | Artemio Rodríguez Asensio | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 11:22:00 - 12:40:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
12/03/2024 | #60 fix: Improved management of menus, plates, and cuisine | 01:42:10 | Artemio Rodríguez Asensio | |
types | 11:00:00 - 12:42:10 | 0,00 USD | ||
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | ||||
11/03/2024 | Presentación retrospectiva | 00:13:18 | Guillermo Pacheco | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Presentations] | 23:31:48 - 23:45:06 | 0,00 USD | ||
11/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:10:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-F005: Time reports update - | 23:05:00 - 23:15:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Documentation] | ||||
11/03/2024 | Resolviendo conflictos | 00:27:00 | Guillermo Pacheco | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 23:00:00 - 23:27:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
11/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:16:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R022: Upload curriculum - [Coding] | 22:05:00 - 22:21:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
11/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:36:46 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_Testing - [Learning] | 21:43:17 - 22:20:03 | 0,00 USD |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 24
11/03/2024 | W7 - Presentación | 00:13:16 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Presentations] | 21:36:14 - 21:49:30 | 0,00 USD | ||
11/03/2024 | Actualización del documento, nueva fecha para la prueba de | 00:04:08 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
la aplicación | 21:19:56 - 21:24:04 | 0,00 USD | ||
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-F005: Pilot User Update - | ||||
[Documentation] | ||||
11/03/2024 | Validaciones de las nuevas métricas propuestas | 00:15:31 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-F007: Performance Metrics Update - | 21:00:28 - 21:15:59 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Documentation] | ||||
11/03/2024 | Review W6-R012: Busqueda de caterings | 00:08:39 | Alvaro Carrera Bernal | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 20:51:35 - 21:00:14 | 0,00 USD | ||
11/03/2024 | Review W6:R012- Busqueda de catering | 00:10:51 | Juan Martinez Cano | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R023: Caterings List - [Coding] | 20:49:29 - 21:00:20 | 0,00 USD | ||
11/03/2024 | Aprendizaje Django, entendimiento código proyecto | 01:35:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Django learning - [Learning] | 20:30:00 - 22:05:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
11/03/2024 | Resolviendo conflictos | 01:33:00 | Guillermo Pacheco | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 20:03:00 - 21:36:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
11/03/2024 | Review | 00:20:19 | Alvaro Carrera Bernal | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R023: Caterings List - [Coding] | 19:43:05 - 20:03:24 | 0,00 USD | ||
11/03/2024 | Código refactorizado y actualizado a los nuevos modelos | 01:02:12 | Fernando Barroso Barroso | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R024: Caterings Filter - [Coding] | 19:24:00 - 20:26:12 | 0,00 USD | ||
11/03/2024 | Aprendizaje Django, entendimiento código proyecto | 01:05:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Django learning - [Learning] | 19:03:00 - 20:08:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
11/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 02:27:51 | Marco Roca Rodríguez | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R041: Offer publishment and | 18:32:16 - 21:00:07 | 0,00 USD | ||
management - [Coding] | ||||
11/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 02:11:40 | Alberto Benítez Morales | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R041: Offer publishment and | 18:06:00 - 20:17:40 | 0,00 USD | ||
management - [Coding] | ||||
11/03/2024 | Validaciones añadidas en los filtros | 00:26:39 | Fernando Barroso Barroso | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R024: Caterings Filter - [Coding] | 17:28:00 - 17:54:39 | 0,00 USD | ||
11/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:02:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-F005: Time reports update - | 17:28:00 - 17:30:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Documentation] | ||||
11/03/2024 | W6:R-054: Proceso de Verificación de Empresas de Catering | 02:43:58 | Guillermo Pacheco | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6:R-054: Proceso de Verificación de | 16:45:22 - 19:29:20 | 0,00 USD | ||
Empresas de Catering - [Coding] | ||||
11/03/2024 | #67 Feature/filtros de empleados | 00:20:56 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R032: Employee filters - [Testing] | 16:39:02 - 16:59:58 | 0,00 USD |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 25
11/03/2024 | #48 R-033: Perfil de Empresa | 00:18:56 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R033: Editing Catering Company | 16:13:33 - 16:32:29 | 0,00 USD | ||
Profile - [Coding] | ||||
11/03/2024 | W7 - #46 R-032:Filtros de empleados | 00:32:36 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 15:45:43 - 16:18:19 | 0,00 USD | ||
11/03/2024 | Patch Fixes | 00:17:21 | Jaime Caballero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-F-002: Adornar GitHub - | 12:40:00 - 12:57:21 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Documentation] | ||||
11/03/2024 | CSS | 00:15:21 | Juan Martinez Cano | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6:R-052: Catering hiring - [Coding] | 10:52:37 - 11:07:58 | 0,00 USD | ||
10/03/2024 | #48 R-033: Perfil de Empresa | 00:37:25 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R033: Editing Catering Company | 23:48:11 - 00:25:36 | +1 | 0,00 USD | |
Profile - [Coding] | ||||
10/03/2024 | #48 R-033: Perfil de Empresa | 00:22:37 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R033: Editing Catering Company | 23:17:23 - 23:40:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
Profile - [Coding] | ||||
10/03/2024 | Functionality | 00:46:21 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R055: Management of | 23:09:19 - 23:55:40 | 0,00 USD | ||
Cancellations/Customer Changes for Catering Companies - | ||||
[Coding] | ||||
10/03/2024 | Gestión reservas catering | 00:46:29 | Alvaro Carrera Bernal | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R055: Management of | 23:09:05 - 23:55:34 | 0,00 USD | ||
Cancellations/Customer Changes for Catering Companies - | ||||
[Coding] | ||||
10/03/2024 | Testing | 01:15:22 | Juan Martinez Cano | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R037: Rating and Review System - | 22:52:59 - 00:08:21 | +1 | 0,00 USD | |
[Testing] | ||||
10/03/2024 | Testing | 00:00:48 | Juan Martinez Cano | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R037: Rating and Review System - | 22:51:24 - 22:52:12 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Testing] | ||||
10/03/2024 | Tests case | 01:14:37 | Eduardo Bustamante Lucena | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R037: Rating and Review System - | 22:51:24 - 00:06:01 | +1 | 0,00 USD | |
[Coding] | ||||
10/03/2024 | Gestión reservas particular | 00:20:14 | Alvaro Carrera Bernal | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R053:Particular book cancelation and | 22:45:06 - 23:05:20 | 0,00 USD | ||
modification - [Coding] | ||||
10/03/2024 | Functionality | 00:20:24 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R053:Particular book cancelation and | 22:44:57 - 23:05:21 | 0,00 USD | ||
modification - [Coding] | ||||
10/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 01:26:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-F005: Time reports update - | 22:18:00 - 23:44:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Documentation] | ||||
10/03/2024 | W7 - #46 R-032:Filtros de empleados | 00:27:39 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 22:17:37 - 22:45:16 | 0,00 USD |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 26
10/03/2024 | CSS + Pagination | 00:48:29 | Eduardo Bustamante Lucena |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R037: Rating and Review System - | 21:12:17 - 22:00:46 | 0,00 USD | |
[Coding] | |||
10/03/2024 | Testing | 02:25:38 | Juan Martinez Cano |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6:R-052: Catering hiring - [Testing] | 20:24:48 - 22:50:26 | 0,00 USD | |
10/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:16:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-F009: Tag and release Sprint 1 - | 20:24:00 - 20:40:00 | 0,00 USD | |
[Coding] | |||
10/03/2024 | Functionality | 02:00:18 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R053:Particular book cancelation and | 19:37:12 - 21:37:30 | 0,00 USD | |
modification - [Coding] | |||
10/03/2024 | Gestión reservas particular | 02:00:09 | Alvaro Carrera Bernal |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R053:Particular book cancelation and | 19:37:00 - 21:37:09 | 0,00 USD | |
modification - [Coding] | |||
10/03/2024 | W7 - IA reports | 00:03:54 | Fravarcas1 |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Documentation] | 19:33:39 - 19:37:33 | 0,00 USD | |
10/03/2024 | W7 - Revisión:fix: Improved management of menus | 00:11:49 | Fravarcas1 |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 19:18:45 - 19:30:34 | 0,00 USD | |
10/03/2024 | Rating and Review | 00:31:17 | Alvaro Carrera Bernal |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R037: Rating and Review System - | 18:17:08 - 18:48:25 | 0,00 USD | |
[Coding] | |||
10/03/2024 | Functionality | 00:31:24 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R037: Rating and Review System - | 18:17:06 - 18:48:30 | 0,00 USD | |
[Coding] | |||
10/03/2024 | W6:R-054:Proceso de Verificación de Empresas de Catering | 03:59:47 | Guillermo Pacheco |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6:R-054: Proceso de Verificación de | 18:02:45 - 22:02:32 | 0,00 USD | |
Empresas de Catering - [Coding] | |||
10/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:35:08 | Marco Roca Rodríguez |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Theory Pill - Replanning, Story Boards, | 17:15:00 - 17:50:08 | 0,00 USD | |
and Expenses_Revenues Estimation - [Learning] | |||
10/03/2024 | Catering hiring | 01:23:49 | Alvaro Carrera Bernal |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6:R-052: Catering hiring - [Coding] | 16:48:58 - 18:12:47 | 0,00 USD | |
10/03/2024 | CSS | 01:25:14 | Juan Martinez Cano |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6:R-052: Catering hiring - [Coding] | 16:48:37 - 18:13:51 | 0,00 USD | |
10/03/2024 | Functionality | 01:24:26 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6:R-052: Catering hiring - [Coding] | 16:48:18 - 18:12:44 | 0,00 USD | |
10/03/2024 | Functionality | 00:47:34 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R037: Rating and Review System - | 13:09:54 - 13:57:28 | 0,00 USD | |
[Coding] | |||
10/03/2024 | Review funcionality | 00:48:37 | Eduardo Bustamante Lucena |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R037: Rating and Review System - | 13:09:00 - 13:57:37 | 0,00 USD | |
[Coding] |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 27
10/03/2024 | Rating and Review | 00:48:47 | Alvaro Carrera Bernal | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R037: Rating and Review System - | 13:09:00 - 13:57:47 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Coding] | ||||
10/03/2024 | Faltan estilos, funcionalidad hecha | 01:14:30 | Alvaro Sanchez Flores | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R030: Hired Caterings - [Coding] | 12:58:00 - 14:12:30 | 0,00 USD | ||
10/03/2024 | A falta de estilos y de mejorar cuando avance mas el | 01:14:20 | Gonzalo Santiago | |
proyecto | 12:58:00 - 14:12:20 | 0,00 USD | ||
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R030: Hired Caterings - [Coding] | ||||
10/03/2024 | Booking dashboard for companies | 02:08:49 | Mario Sánchez Naranjo | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6:R-035: Booking Management - | 12:09:10 - 14:17:59 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Coding] | ||||
10/03/2024 | W7 - guión presentación | 00:36:13 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Presentations] | 10:20:55 - 10:57:08 | 0,00 USD | ||
09/03/2024 | Catering hiring | 01:57:34 | Alvaro Carrera Bernal | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6:R-052: Catering hiring - [Coding] | 18:23:01 - 20:20:35 | 0,00 USD | ||
09/03/2024 | Functionality | 01:57:46 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6:R-052: Catering hiring - [Coding] | 18:22:49 - 20:20:35 | 0,00 USD | ||
09/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:51:07 | Marco Roca Rodríguez | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R041: Offer publishment and | 18:12:00 - 19:03:07 | 0,00 USD | ||
management - [Coding] | ||||
09/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:38:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_Testing - [Learning] | 17:48:00 - 18:26:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
09/03/2024 | watch_theory_pill_Testing | 00:38:00 | Guillermo Pacheco | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_Testing - [Learning] | 17:36:00 - 18:14:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
09/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:39:16 | Alberto Benítez Morales | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_Testing - [Learning] | 17:08:00 - 17:47:16 | 0,00 USD | ||
09/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:36:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_Replanning, | 17:02:00 - 17:38:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
StoryBoards, and Expenses_Revenues Estimation - | ||||
[Learning] | ||||
09/03/2024 | watch_theory_pill_Replanning, Story Boards, and | 00:36:00 | Guillermo Pacheco | |
Expenses_Revenues Estimation | 17:00:00 - 17:36:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Theory Pill - Replanning, Story Boards, | ||||
and Expenses_Revenues Estimation - [Learning] | ||||
09/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:37:00 | Alberto Benítez Morales | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Theory Pill - Replanning, Story Boards, | 16:26:00 - 17:03:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
and Expenses_Revenues Estimation - [Learning] | ||||
09/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:37:30 | Marco Roca Rodríguez | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_Testing - [Learning] | 16:10:00 - 16:47:30 | 0,00 USD | ||
09/03/2024 | W7 - #46 R-032:Filtros de empleados | 00:40:17 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 16:08:40 - 16:48:57 | 0,00 USD |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 28
09/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:16:34 | Marco Roca Rodríguez | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R041: Offer publishment and | 15:48:30 - 16:05:04 | 0,00 USD | ||
management - [Coding] | ||||
09/03/2024 | W7 - #46 R-032:Filtros de empleados | 00:21:03 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 15:46:46 - 16:07:49 | 0,00 USD | ||
09/03/2024 | W7 - #46 R-032:Filtros de empleados | 00:12:02 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 14:57:22 - 15:09:24 | 0,00 USD | ||
09/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:45:14 | Marco Roca Rodríguez | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R041: Offer publishment and | 13:36:38 - 14:21:52 | 0,00 USD | ||
management - [Coding] | ||||
09/03/2024 | Applicants Mockups | 00:32:10 | Alvaro Carrera Bernal | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6: Applicants Mockups - [Design] | 12:23:00 - 12:55:10 | 0,00 USD | ||
09/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:32:02 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6: Applicants Mockups - [Design] | 12:22:56 - 12:54:58 | 0,00 USD | ||
09/03/2024 | Applicants Mockups | 00:32:17 | Eduardo Bustamante Lucena | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6: Applicants Mockups - [Design] | 12:22:00 - 12:54:17 | 0,00 USD | ||
09/03/2024 | Realizado un filtrado de caterings por tipo de cocina, precio y | 03:05:06 | Fernando Barroso Barroso | |
asistentes | 12:00:00 - 15:05:06 | 0,00 USD | ||
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R024: Caterings Filter - [Coding] | ||||
09/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:26:23 | Gonzalo Santiago | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R012: Catering Search - [Coding] | 11:35:00 - 12:01:23 | 0,00 USD | ||
09/03/2024 | Creado formulario en forms.py y función en views.py | 00:18:17 | Marco Roca Rodríguez | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R041: Offer publishment and | 11:08:33 - 11:26:50 | 0,00 USD | ||
management - [Coding] | ||||
09/03/2024 | Creado listado de caterings, a falta de aplicar más estilo | 01:09:15 | Alvaro Sanchez Flores | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R023: Caterings List - [Coding] | 10:30:00 - 11:39:15 | 0,00 USD | ||
09/03/2024 | Improved documentation of github | 01:07:32 | Jaime Caballero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-F-002: Adornar GitHub - | 10:23:00 - 11:30:32 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Documentation] | ||||
09/03/2024 | W7 - #46 R-032:Filtros de empleados | 01:54:46 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Coding] | 10:13:46 - 12:08:32 | 0,00 USD | ||
08/03/2024 | watch_theory_pill_Testing | 00:44:01 | Artemio Rodríguez Asensio | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_Testing - [Learning] | 22:29:59 - 23:14:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
08/03/2024 | #48 R-033: Perfil de Empresa | 00:22:35 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R033: Editing Catering Company | 18:57:44 - 19:20:19 | 0,00 USD | ||
Profile - [Coding] | ||||
08/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:18:50 | Juan Martinez Cano | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6:R-052: Catering hiring - [Coding] | 17:47:06 - 18:05:56 | 0,00 USD |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 29
08/03/2024 | Catering hiring | 00:24:52 | Alvaro Carrera Bernal | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6:R-052: Catering hiring - [Coding] | 17:45:00 - 18:09:52 | 0,00 USD | ||
08/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:29:43 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6:R-052: Catering hiring - [Coding] | 17:40:00 - 18:09:43 | 0,00 USD | ||
08/03/2024 | watch_theory_pill_Testing | 00:37:33 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_Testing - [Learning] | 15:38:38 - 16:16:11 | 0,00 USD | ||
08/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 01:06:00 | Alberto Benítez Morales | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-R041: Offer publishment and | 13:23:00 - 14:29:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
management - [Coding] | ||||
08/03/2024 | Booking management for Companies | 01:23:34 | Mario Sánchez Naranjo | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6:R-035: Booking Management - | 12:38:20 - 14:01:54 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Coding] | ||||
07/03/2024 | watch_theory_pill_Replanning, StoryBoards, and | 00:49:00 | Artemio Rodríguez Asensio | |
Expenses_Revenues Estimation | 19:23:00 - 20:12:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_Replanning, | ||||
StoryBoards, and Expenses_Revenues Estimation - | ||||
[Learning] | ||||
07/03/2024 | Sprint planning subgroup 3 | 01:11:00 | Pablo Martínez Valladares | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6:RSU-03: Sprint planning - [Meeting] | 18:31:00 - 19:42:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
07/03/2024 | Sprint Planning - Task distribution | 01:11:00 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6:RSU-03: Sprint planning - [Meeting] | 18:30:00 - 19:41:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
07/03/2024 | sprint planning subgroup 3 | 01:12:56 | Mario Sánchez Naranjo | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6:RSU-03: Sprint planning - [Meeting] | 18:30:00 - 19:42:56 | 0,00 USD | ||
07/03/2024 | Sprint planning subgrupo 3 | 01:00:00 | Artemio Rodríguez Asensio | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6:RSU-03: Sprint planning - [Meeting] | 18:30:00 - 19:30:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
07/03/2024 | Update Performance Metrics formula | 00:12:51 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-F007: Performance Metrics Update - | 17:45:57 - 17:58:48 | 0,00 USD | ||
[Documentation] | ||||
07/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:11:46 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Theory Pill - Replanning, Story Boards, | 17:22:14 - 17:34:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
and Expenses_Revenues Estimation - [Learning] | ||||
07/03/2024 | watch_theory_pill_Replanning, StoryBoards, and | 00:35:28 | Fravarcas1 | |
Expenses_Revenues Estimation | 16:59:31 - 17:34:59 | 0,00 USD | ||
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - watch_theory_pill_Replanning, | ||||
StoryBoards, and Expenses_Revenues Estimation - | ||||
[Learning] | ||||
07/03/2024 | Backlog Completion | 01:05:00 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6: RCO - Sprint planning - [Meeting] | 16:01:00 - 17:06:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
07/03/2024 | Backlog and week planning | 01:09:52 | Alberto Benítez Morales | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6: RCO - Sprint planning - [Meeting] | 16:00:00 - 17:09:52 | 0,00 USD | ||
07/03/2024 | backlog finalization | 01:00:02 | Eduardo Bustamante Lucena | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6: RCO - Sprint planning - [Meeting] | 16:00:00 - 17:00:02 | 0,00 USD |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 30
07/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:04:39 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Theory Pill - Replanning, Story Boards, | 15:58:35 - 16:03:14 | 0,00 USD | |
and Expenses_Revenues Estimation - [Learning] | |||
07/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:05:50 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Theory Pill - Replanning, Story Boards, | 15:52:28 - 15:58:18 | 0,00 USD | |
and Expenses_Revenues Estimation - [Learning] | |||
07/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:07:20 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Theory Pill - Replanning, Story Boards, | 15:31:43 - 15:39:03 | 0,00 USD | |
and Expenses_Revenues Estimation - [Learning] | |||
07/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:08:40 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Theory Pill - Replanning, Story Boards, | 15:09:52 - 15:18:32 | 0,00 USD | |
and Expenses_Revenues Estimation - [Learning] | |||
06/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 01:07:00 | Marco Roca Rodríguez |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6:RSU-03: Sprint planning - [Meeting] | 16:00:00 - 17:07:00 | 0,00 USD | |
06/03/2024 | Sprint planning semana 6 | 01:53:05 | Artemio Rodríguez Asensio |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - W6-RCO: Sprint 2 Week 6 planning - | 16:00:00 - 17:53:05 | 0,00 USD | |
[Meeting] | |||
05/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 04:00:00 | Mario Sánchez Naranjo |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Week 6 - Sprint 1 + test - [Learning] | 19:41:58 - 23:41:58 | 0,00 USD | |
05/03/2024 | Presentations and test | 04:00:00 | Pablo Martínez Valladares |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Week 6 - Sprint 1 + test - [Learning] | 15:30:54 - 19:30:54 | 0,00 USD | |
05/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 04:07:22 | Alvaro Carrera Bernal |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Week 6 - Sprint 1 + test - [Learning] | 15:30:00 - 19:37:22 | 0,00 USD | |
05/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 04:00:00 | Alvaro Sanchez Flores |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Week 6 - Sprint 1 + test - [Learning] | 15:30:00 - 19:30:00 | 0,00 USD | |
05/03/2024 | Asistencia a clase | 04:00:00 | Fernando Barroso Barroso |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Week 6 - Sprint 1 + test - [Learning] | 15:30:00 - 19:30:00 | 0,00 USD | |
05/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 04:00:00 | Marco Roca Rodríguez |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Week 6 - Sprint 1 + test - [Learning] | 15:30:00 - 19:30:00 | 0,00 USD | |
05/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 04:00:00 | Juan Martinez Cano |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Week 6 - Sprint 1 + test - [Presentations] | 15:30:00 - 19:30:00 | 0,00 USD | |
05/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 04:00:00 | Alvaro Navarro Rivera |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Week 6 - Sprint 1 + test - [Learning] | 15:30:00 - 19:30:00 | 0,00 USD | |
05/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 04:00:00 | Javier Nunes Ruiz |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Week 6 - Sprint 1 + test - [Learning] | 15:30:00 - 19:30:00 | 0,00 USD | |
05/03/2024 | Clase fin Sprint1 + test | 04:00:00 | Guillermo Pacheco |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Week 6 - Sprint 1 + test - [Learning] | 15:30:00 - 19:30:00 | 0,00 USD |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 31
05/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 04:08:00 | Javier Rodríguez Cordero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Week 6 - Sprint 1 + test - [Learning, | 15:30:00 - 19:38:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
Presentations] | ||||
05/03/2024 | Theory class + test | 04:00:00 | Eduardo Bustamante Lucena | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Week 6 - Sprint 1 + test - [Learning] | 15:30:00 - 19:30:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
05/03/2024 | W6 - Clase | 04:00:00 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Learning] | 15:30:00 - 19:30:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
05/03/2024 | Class attendance | 04:00:00 | Jaime Caballero | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Week 6 - Sprint 1 + test - [Learning] | 15:30:00 - 19:30:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
05/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 04:00:00 | Gonzalo Santiago | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Week 6 - Sprint 1 + test - [Learning] | 15:30:00 - 19:30:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
05/03/2024 | Evaluate S1 Explain Goals S2 | 03:56:01 | Artemio Rodríguez Asensio | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Documentation] | 15:30:00 - 19:26:01 | 0,00 USD | ||
05/03/2024 | W6 - ensayo presentación | 00:29:47 | Fravarcas1 | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - [Presentations] | 13:34:10 - 14:03:57 | 0,00 USD | ||
05/03/2024 | Ensayo presentación | 01:49:00 | Artemio Rodríguez Asensio | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 | 12:00:00 - 13:49:00 | 0,00 USD | ||
05/03/2024 | (Without Description) | 00:53:12 | Alvaro Carrera Bernal | |
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Theory Pill on Conflict Management, | 10:39:16 - 11:32:28 | 0,00 USD | ||
Effective Demos and Feedback Management - [Learning] | ||||
05/03/2024 | watch_theory_pill_Pill on Conflict Management, Effective | 00:45:20 | Eduardo Bustamante Lucena | |
Demos and Feedback Management | 09:46:00 - 10:31:20 | 0,00 USD | ||
ISPP - GRUPO 8 - Theory Pill on Conflict Management, | ||||
Effective Demos and Feedback Management - [Learning] |
ISPP - grupo 8 Created with Clockify 32